10 Dimensions of Wellness
Be Well BU is the comprehensive wellness program of Belmont University. It works with all programs and services aimed at helping students achieve a higher degree of personal wellness. Wellness is defined in ten dimensions: physical, emotional, intellectual, social (interpersonal), cultural, spiritual, environmental, financial, occupational.
Be Well BU provides an administrative hub for enhancing the quality of current and future efforts to improve student wellness.
Be Well BU helps students:
- Identify ways of living that reflect a greater knowledge of the purpose of their lives.
- Demonstrate awareness of practices that lead to better wellness.
- Identify ways their Belmont University experience has helped them achieve wellness in various dimensions of human life.
Each dimension of wellness has its own goals and highlighted wellness behaviors.

Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual wellness encompasses all aspects of a person’s life and helps a person to find meaning, purpose, hope, and peace. As a Christ-centered university that “upholds Jesus as the measure of all we do,” we believe that spiritual wellness is found through deepening and enhancing personal and communal life in Christ. As a place that celebrates and honors every person as created in the image of God, we invite all students to live into the fullness of their spiritual traditions.

Cultural Wellness
Cultural wellness includes accepting, valuing, and even celebrating the different cultural ways people interact in the world. The extent to which you maintain and appreciate cultural identities is one measure of cultural wellness. Honoring all voices and experiences, and believing that everyone has a seat at the table are cornerstones of cultural wellness.

Emotional Wellness
Emotional wellness reflects your ability to understand and deal with your feelings. It involves attending to your own thoughts and feelings, monitoring your reactions, and identifying obstacles to emotional stability. Achieving this type of wellness requires intentional self-reflection and proactively finding solutions to emotional problems.

Occupational Wellness
Occupational wellness refers to the level of happiness and fulfillment you gain through your work. By using God-given abilities, an occupationally well person finds purpose in his or her work, feels a connection with others in the workplace, and takes advantage of opportunities to learn and be challenged.

Physical Wellness
Physical wellness is more than your fitness level. It is also your body's overall condition and the absence of disease. The decisions you make now can influence the habits you develop over your lifetime, largely determining the length and quality of your life. As you take better care of your physical needs, you ensure greater physical wellness.

Social Wellness
Social wellness requires participating in and contributing to your community and society. Satisfying and supportive relationships allow you to learn good communication skills, develop the capacity for authenticity, and cultivate a supportive network, all of which are important to social wellness.

Environmental Wellness
Environmental wellness encompasses the livability of your surroundings and appropriately stewarding resources, both natural and man-made. Practicing environmental wellness challenges you to learn about and protect Creation and actively work to make the world a cleaner and safer place.

Intellectual Wellness
Intellectual wellness requires constantly challenging the mind. People who enjoy intellectual wellness never stop learning. They seek knowledge and embrace challenges to enrich their understanding of the mysteries of the world.

Financial Wellness
Financial wellness refers to your ability to live within your means and manage your money in a way that gives you peace of mind. It includes balancing your income and expenses, limiting debt, saving for the future, and building a healthy mindset concerning money.

Service Wellness
Service wellness includes community engagement, social responsibility, and civic action – all of which contribute to our communal wellness as individuals, neighbors, and a collective society. Practicing service wellness means cultivating a lifestyle of responsibility, engagement, humility, and reflection with the individuals and communities around us, so we might create a world in service with and for each other.