Song Hui Chon

Associate Professor of Audio Engineering Technology
Mike Curb College of Entertainment & Music Business
Ph.D., McGill University; E.E., Stanford University; M.S., University of Washington; B.S., Chonbuk National University
Location: Johnson Center 332
Song Hui Chon is an engineer, music perception researcher and amateur historical keyboardist. Song Hui received her Ph.D. in music technology from McGill University in 2013 with a focus on timbre perception with Dr. Stephen McAdams. She spent the subsequent three years at the Ohio State University as a postdoctoral fellow in music cognition with Dr. David Huron. For the next two years, Song Hui held a visiting professor position in the Electrical, Computer, and Telecomm department at Rochester Institute of Technology teaching computational problem solving and acoustics, as well as carrying out spatial audio research. She then worked as a research associate in the School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder, embarking on research in age-related hearing problems and hearing aids, before joining the Audio Engineering Technology faculty at Belmont in 2019.
Her expertise is highly technical and includes five years of software development in Information Technology as well as three degrees in engineering -- an Engineer’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington, and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from Chonbuk National University in Korea.
Song Hui studied fortepiano with Dr. George Barth and harpsichord with Ms. Elaine Thornburgh at Stanford. She continued her study on the fortepiano and clavichord with Dr. Tom Beghin and the organ with Ms. Margaret de Castro at McGill. Song Hui’s research interests include auditory and music perception, more specifically in timbre and attention.