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Belmont University uses a wide variety of evaluative methodologies to measure student success, achievement and satisfaction.  Surveys are one of our primary tools for receiving feedback from our students on a variety of topics.  Belmont participates in several national surveys and administers in-house surveys to provide students the opportunity to give feedback at multiple times during their academic career.  Survey results are presented in aggregated reports to university stakeholders. If necessary, OAIR may share individual survey responses to campus partners to provide additional support for students and to maintain health and safety on campus.

The Office of Assessment and Institutional Research (OAIR) coordinates and administers university-wide surveys on behalf of Belmont university. If you have questions or concerns about the validity of an email, please contact us at  

Ongoing Surveys:


CIRP Freshman Survey

First-Year Undergraduates

National Survey of Student
Engagement (NSSE)

First-Year and Senior

Student Perception and Experience
Data Collection (SPEC)

All Enrolled Students

Course Evaluations

All Enrolled Students

Title IX Campus Climate Survey

All Enrolled Students

HERI Faculty Survey

Full-Time Faculty

Please note: 

Data Requests: The Belmont University Office of Assessment and Institutional Research (OAIR) manages data collection and distribution for internal Belmont stakeholders as well as external sources such as state and federal reporting, and public information requests.  The University does not grant data requests for the purposes of individual research to persons not affiliated with Belmont.  Requests for University data should be submitted to the Office of Assessment and Institutional Research ( and will be considered according to FERPA and other guidelines along with approval from the Provost and appropriate offices.

Surveys: Any survey designed to be distributed to a large pool or the entire population of BU students, faculty or staff must be approved in advance by the Office of Assessment and Institutional Research.  Please complete the Survey Request Form to submit your request. OAIR maintains an annual calendar of surveys and a comprehensive map of survey items to minimize survey overlap and reduce survey fatigue. Please be aware that if approved, the timing of your request may need to be adjusted based on this schedule. If you receive approval for a student level survey, you may still be required to submit your proposal to the Belmont Institutional Review Board for review and final approval.

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