A male student smiles with his mother and father at Parent & Family Weekend outside of the Massey Performing Arts Center.

Parent Programs & Giving

Helping Belmont families be informed, engaged, involved and inspired

We care about your college experience, too.

From your first campus tour to your Bruin's graduation, we want you to know that you are an important part of our Belmont Community.

We're here to ensure that every step of the way, you can count on excellent communication, ample opportunities for formation and a continual posture of hospitable invitation from Belmont University.

Associate Vice President for Engagement, Kate Mosley, smiles in conversation with a parent at a Parent Leadership Circle event.

Be Informed

Parent communication is central to a good partnership between you and your student's university. Help us keep you in the loop by joining the Bruin Family Den and updating your information.

A mother, father and daughter smile for a picture at a Parent Leadership Circle event.

Be Engaged

Join us for campus and regional events. Athletic, Entertainment and Academic events are great opportunities to stay engaged with your students experience.

President Greg Jones speaks at a Parent Leadership Circle event.

Be Involved

Take part in Volunteer opportunities to support the Belmont community. From mentorship to hosting welcome parties to sharing advice with incoming parents, we want parents to engage with the community in their own way.

Director of Parent & Family Giving, Greg Pillon, speaks at a Parent Leadership Circle event.

Be Inspired

We want you to be inspired to Partner and Support with Belmont in Meaningful Ways. Whether that is through partnership opportunities or giving, you help ensures that all students – including your own – thrive from your support.

Parent & Family Weekend

Parent and Family weekend is a fun-filled, family event designed to provide key connections and experiences for Belmont families.

Upcoming Events

Want to explore Belmont further?

Plan a visit to Belmont's campus or if you're still considering Belmont, get information specifically for prospective parents & families.