Greg Jones, Sam Simpkins, and Susan Jones standing together in the Belmont University Admissions Welcome Center, all smiling and wearing matching gray "Soul" t-shirts.

Living with SOUL

The Belmont community is invited to explore the SOUL framework, a simple yet eloquent way to talk about the values we want to pursue together.

What does it mean for your soul to thrive?

In Fall 2024, Belmont President Dr. Greg Jones introduced the SOUL framework to the Belmont community, a tangible representation of values that have always existed on campus and a poignant challenge to deepen our focus on each of these characteristics. Inspired by 3 John 1:2 (Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul thrives), the language of this framework was developed by groups tasked to examine the University’s work around nurturing character and promoting leadership development in students, faculty and staff.

An image with the word "WISDOM" at the top and bottom in bold gold text. In between, the acronym "SOUL" is displayed vertically with each letter standing for a value:  S - Seek Excellence O - Offer Gratitude U - Unleash Hospitality L - Live the Dream Together

SOUL is an expression of who we are, and who we want to be, as a Christ-centered community with each letter standing as an important reminder of how we want to live. The entire framework is both undergirded and surrounded by the pursuit of wisdom, a hallmark of who we are as an institution of higher learning and even more importantly, of a faithful and purposeful life.  

Seek Excellence (Humility)

Aspire to excellence with humility, recognizing a much greater purpose beyond yourself.

Seeking excellence calls us to strive for the highest standards in every aspect of who we are and what we do— whether it's in academics, athletics, arts or the ways we engage with the people we love.  

Offer Gratitude (Joy)

Embrace gratitude and find joy in life’s greatest blessings.

Gratitude is a cornerstone of a meaningful life. It is also a learned habit—a practice—that we are called to live into, both individually and as a community. We can cultivate a thankful heart within ourselves by acknowledging the contributions and support of those around us, as well as the beauty we can see in so many places.

Unleash Hospitality (Love)

Show love through genuine hospitality and create a welcoming community for all.

We believe in hospitality—unreasonable hospitality—that is focused on deep care for those around us. Extending hospitality to those around us helps all people in our community feel included, known and loved. It's about creating deep connections and showing genuine care for others.  

Live the Dream Together (Hope)

Dream big and work together with hope, trusting God’s purpose. 

When we work together, we can embrace a shared vision and collaborate toward great dreams together. Living the Dream Together emphasizes the importance of community, teamwork and collective effort.