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2024 Nursing Innovation Summit

Elevating the story of nursing innovation

Center for Nursing Innovation logo

Frist College of Medicine building exterior

Summit Information

Friday, September 13, 2024
8:00 am -4:00 pm
Frist College of Medicine: Room 2301
Parking: Frist College of Medicine Garage (below building)

Join us at the Belmont Inman College of Nursing for Innovation Summit 2024 where we're unleashing the power of nurses to shape the future of healthcare in Tennessee and beyond. Under the theme "Elevating the Story of Nursing Innovation,” this dynamic event will feature keynote sessions led by renowned thought leaders like Dr. Oriana Beaudet, VP of Innovation at the American Nurses Association, and Rick Rekedal, former DreamWorks Animation Executive. Dive into stimulating discussions with a panel of nurse innovators, explore cutting-edge workshops, and witness the ingenuity of Tennessee's nurse community at our Innovation Open Mic session.An abstract image of a person in a nursing coat with stethoscope with a light bulb floating above their hands and a geometric background.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation driving innovation in nursing. Join us and be a catalyst for change in healthcare!

Coming Soon!

Do you have an innovative project, a transformative approach to nursing or nursing education, or a non-traditional collaborative partnership to share with your colleagues? The Belmont Nursing Innovation Summit invites you to submit an abstract for our peer-reviewed 3-minute TED-style talks, where you can showcase your innovative concepts to inspire change in nursing practice, education, research, or policy.

If selected for presentation, participants must register for the conference.

Submission Guidelines:

Abstracts must align with the theme of the summit and address innovative solutions, ideas, or initiatives within the nursing practice, education, or industry. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Novel approaches to patient care delivery
  • Integration of technology in nursing practice
  • Advancements in nursing education and training
  • Strategies for improving healthcare outcomes
  • Innovations in nursing research methodology
  • Initiatives for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in nursing

Submission Requirements:

  • Abstracts must be no more than 300 words in length.
  • Submissions should include a clear and concise description of the innovation, its potential impact on nursing practice or healthcare, and any relevant supporting evidence.
  • Each abstract should be accompanied by a brief biography of the presenter(s), highlighting their expertise and qualifications in the field of nursing.

Submission Deadline:

Please submit your abstracts by July 15, 2024 via this form.

Selection Process:
Abstracts will be selected based on these criteria:

  • Originality
  • Significance
  • Feasibility
  • Potential for impact

Selected presenters will be notified via email by August 1.
Presenters will be offered the opportunity for coaching in storytelling prior to the presentation. An innovation award for best presentation will be given at the summit.

Benefits of Participation:

  • Opportunity to showcase your innovative ideas to a diverse audience of nursing professionals, educators, researchers, and policymakers through peer-reviewed presentations.
  • Coaching in storytelling by national experts.
  • Eligibility for innovation award.
  • Networking opportunities with fellow innovators and leaders in the field of nursing.
  • Recognition for your contributions to advancing nursing practice, education, and research.

Note: Presenters are responsible for preparing a compelling and engaging 3-minute TED-style talk to be delivered at the summit. Additional guidelines and instructions will be provided to selected presenters upon acceptance. Join us in shaping the future of nursing through innovation! We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you at the Belmont Nursing Innovation Summit.

For questions or more information contact the Belmont Center for Nursing Innovation at
Tennessee Nursing Association Logo Tennessee Hospital Association

This event will provide ​6.5 hours of nursing continuing professional development.

Belmont University is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Requirements for Successful Completion: Nursing continuing education contact hours will be provided to nurses who attend at least 90% of the event and complete the activity evaluation.

The speaker and the planning committee have disclosed no conflicts of interest.

Conference Registration

Register now to take part in this dynamic summit.