Students studying at table

Law Library Policies

In This Section

Circulating Materials

Members of the law school community may borrow circulating materials. As a research library, most of the collection is non-circulating, but some items may be checked out for 30 days with an option for renewal(s). Reserve materials can be checked out for a limited time. Please see the Circulation Desk attendant for more information.

Non-Circulating Materials

Non-circulating items must be used in the library and cannot be checked out at any time. Materials that do not circulate include: reference materials, loose-leaf materials, periodicals, newsletters, volumes from multi-volume sets, codes, regulations, and reporters.

Group Study Rooms

Seven group study rooms are available in the law library for law student use. Study rooms are available for checkout at the circulation desk on a “first come, first served” basis for groups of two or more (347, 348, 349, 356, and 357) and four or more (346 and 364). 

Rooms are available for four-hour checkout periods, with a two-hour renewal if demand allows.

Rooms may also be reserved under certain circumstances (Faculty-student meetings, Law Review meetings, etc.), and circulation staff will provide assistance with reservations. 

Study room keys must be returned to the circulation desk at the end of the four-hour checkout period. Keys may not be passed on to subsequent users, nor may keys be removed from the library.  One group consecutively checking out a room under different names is not allowed.

When leaving a room, after clearing the room of all belongings and discarding any trash, students must lock the door before returning the key to the circulation desk. If a student group has to leave their room for an extended period of time (e.g., for lunch or class), they must return the key to the main desk, even if they are within their checkout period.

Students using the study rooms must remain mindful of their noise level. Study rooms are not soundproof and if a group disturbs other library patrons, they may be required to vacate the study room.

Violation of these rules may result in suspension of study room use privileges. Loss of a study room key will also result in a fine of $50.00.

Reference and Research

Professional librarians provide research and reference assistance to students and faculty of the Belmont College of Law, as well as limited support to non-College of Law patrons and members of the public. Library patrons may schedule an appointment or simply visit the reference desk to see if a professional librarian is on duty. Regular reference desk hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The reference desk email address is The reference desk phone number is 615-460-5727. You can also reach a reference librarian via online chat from our homepage or via text messaging at 615-455-ASK1 (615-455-2751). If you do not receive an immediate response via chat, please consider checking back in a few minutes or asking your question via email or telephone.

As librarians, we cannot provide legal advice or interpretation of the law because we are prohibited from engaging in the unauthorized practice of law. However, we are happy to help you locate resources and materials to aid you in your own research.

The reference librarians have written a series of Legal Research Guides and bibliographies on various topics to aid researchers. These may be found on our Bibliographies page. 

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan is available to members of the Belmont Law School Community. If a title cannot be found in the Belmont College of Law Library, we will gladly try to locate the item from another law library for your convenience.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests may be made online via the law library website or in person at the circulation desk.

Students will be notified via e-mail when titles arrive; ILLs for faculty members will be delivered to their office.

The loan period for ILL materials is determined by the lending library. This period is typically from two weeks to a month. Materials must be returned to the Circulation Desk on or before the specified due date or fines may be charged to the patron. If a title is needed longer than the loan period allows, it may be renewed at the Circulation Desk or via e-mail. Renewals are not guaranteed, as they are determined by the lending library.

Interlibrary loans are subject to recall if the lending library needs the title returned before the said loan period. Patrons will be notified via e-mail if a title is recalled.

All ILL materials are subject to fines for damaged books, late returns and lost items. Fines are typically determined by the lending library, but additional charges determined by Belmont may be billed for processing.

To place a request, please complete a Law Interlibrary Loan Request.

Please contact the Circulation Desk at with any questions or concerns.


Renewals may be placed on all circulating materials if no holds are pending. A title may be renewed at the Circulation Desk or via email at


Holds may be placed on any materials that are currently charged out to another patron. Hold requests may be made by emailing the Circulation Desk at or through "My Account" in the online catalog.


All library materials are subject to recall. Recall requests may be made via e-mail at the Circulation Desk


All circulating items that are lost or damaged are subject to replacement and processing fines/fees.

Reserve Collection

The Law Library Reserve Collection is located behind the Circulation Desk.  Reserve materials include course materials and study guides and all Reserve materials must be checked out before being used. 

Study Carrels

Carrels are not assigned and are available to students on a “first come, first served” basis.
Carrels must be kept clean and orderly. Pictures, signs, etc., may not be attached to any part of the carrels, and electrical appliances may not be used in them.

Because carrels are not assigned, library materials may not be checked out to them. Remember, carrels have no security and carrel users are responsible for their personal belongings left there.

Leisure Reading

Magazines and newspapers of both popular and legal varieties are provided for your leisure and convenience.  Please see the Circulation Desk attendant for assistance with back issues, as we save some titles for a limited time.

Library Privileges for Alumni

Alumni may visit the law library by appointment. Please contact the reference desk at 615-460-5727 or for further details. 

Alumni may use the law library's electronic resources while in the library.  For assistance, please see a reference librarian or circulation desk attendant.

Graduates of Belmont University's College of Law must register at the Circulation Desk for alumni borrowing privileges.

Alumni may check out regularly circulating items for one 30-day period; there are no renewals.

No reserve materials may be checked out.

Borrowing privileges are not transferable.

Items are subject to recall if needed by a student or faculty member.

Alumni must reside in-state or within 100 miles of the University.

Alumni are personally responsible for all items checked out, and failure to return materials in a timely manner will result in a suspension of privileges and an invoice for the amount of the item.

Food/Beverage Policy

The Belmont Law Library strives to be “student focused.” As such, food and beverages may be consumed in the library.  We ask that students please clean up after themselves. 



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