Barry Kraus

Director of Bands and Coordinator of Instrumental Ensembles
College of Music & Performing Arts
Doctor of Musical Arts Degree from Arizona State University, the Master of Music Degree from Baylor University, and the Bachelor of Music Education Degree from Oklahoma State University
Dr. Barry Kraus is the Director of Bands and Coordinator of Instrumental Ensembles at Belmont University where he conducts the Belmont Wind Ensemble, coordinates athletic bands, and teaches courses in conducting and music education. Prior to his appointment at Belmont, Dr. Kraus served on the faculties of Baylor University and the University of Texas and taught in both public and private school settings ranging from grades 6 through 12 in Texas, Arizona, and Oklahoma. Kraus holds the Doctor of Musical Arts Degree from Arizona State University, the Master of Music Degree from Baylor University, and the Bachelor of Music Education Degree from Oklahoma State University.
As a guest conductor, he has appeared with ensembles at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic, the American Band Master’s Association National Conference, and regional conferences of the College Band Directors National Association. His principal conducting teachers include Gary Hill, Michael Haithcock, and Joseph Missal, and he has participated in master classes with Allan McMurray, H. Robert Reynolds, John Farrer (Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra), and Niel Thomson (Royal College of Music, London). His ensembles have performed at state and regional venues, and he maintains an active schedule as a clinician and adjudicator.
Dr. Kraus has presented research and conference clinics related to conducting at the Texas Music Educators Association Convention, Music Educator’s National Conference, the CBDNA National Conference, and the International Conference on Arts and Humanities. His writings are published in the Journal of Band Research and the Journal of Historical Research in Music Education.
Active in professional organizations, Dr. Kraus is a member of the College Band Directors National Association, Texas Music Educators Association, Tennessee Music Educators Association, Middle Tennessee Band and Orchestra Directors Association, College Music Society, and the Conductor’s Guild. He is also a member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and holds honorary memberships in Kappa KappiPsi and Tau Beta Sigma.