Carmen Reese Foster

Assistant Professor
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Carmen Reese Foster, DSW, LMSW, LSSW joined the faculty at Belmont as an Assistant Professor in the Fall of 2023. Prior to joining Belmont's faculty, Dr. Reese Foster spent 5 ½ years at the University of Tennessee College of Social Work where she was the Interim Online MSSW Program Director, an Assistant Professor of Practice and Online Field Coordinator, and the Director of Alumni Affairs. In 2018, she created the Coalition of Black Social Workers (CBSW) through a social justice grant from UT College of Social Work. In 2020, Dr. Reese Foster developed the CBSW into a 501c3, where she serves as the Founder and Executive Director. The CBSW exists to engage, connect, and empower Black social work students and professionals. The CBSW has campus chapters across the state of Tennessee and members across the country. Dr. Reese Foster is also the co-owner of Pieces Training and Consulting and conducts trainings on anti-racism, race-based trauma and resilience, social emotional learning, and cross-cultural engagement for churches, non-profits, and schools. Prior to transitioning into higher education, Dr. Reese Foster's practice experience focused on working with youth and families from marginalized communities. She received her DSW from the University of Alabama where her research focus was assessing the impact of race-based trauma and Covid-19 on the mental health of Black social work providers. While at Alabama, she was the 2022 winner of the 3MT (Three Minute Thesis Competition) for the University of Alabama and the Southern Region of Graduate Schools. She represented the Southern Region at the North American competition, where she competed against finalists from the US, Canada, and Mexico. Dr. Reese Foster obtained her BA from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her MSW from the University of Maryland, Baltimore.
Dr. Reese Foster is a proud wife and mama. She and her husband of almost 20 years have three children (and a boxerdoodle). Her favorite pastime is taking long walks with her husband and dog, cheering on her kids at all of their activities, and meeting her friends for walks, coffee, and delicious food.
Race-Based Trauma and Mental Health
Resilience and Community Well-Being
Cross Cultural Relationships
Coalition of Black Social Workers (CBSW)
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
2023 Social Worker of the Year Award, NASW-TN Chapter
2023 Nancy Smith Wright Inclusive Excellence Award, UT College of Social Work
2022 Inspirational Teaching Award, UT College of Social Work
2022 Sam Howard Empowerment Fund Scholarship (Center for Non-Profit Management)
Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Winner: Southern Region (2022)
Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Winner: University of Alabama (2021)
2022 Laura Langley Social Justice Award, University of Alabama School of Social Work
2022 DSW Contribution to Scholarship Award, University of Alabama School of Social Work
2017 Field Instructor of the Year, Trevecca Nazarene University
Foster, C. (2023, April). For Black Social Workers, anxiety and depression are on the rise. The Conversation.
[Under Review] Foster, C., Kates, J., Gibson, K., Navarre, J. Butler, T., Charles, P., Villarreal, C., Washburn, T. (2023). “Truth, Liberation, Justice Collaborative: Engaging Students in Conversations about Anti-Racism in Social Work.”
Foster, C., Held, M. & Carter, A. (2022). “Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 and Race-Based Trauma on the Mental Health of Black Social Work Providers,”Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work.
Pearl, M. (24 May 2023). Racial tensions, COVID-19 have lasting toll on Black social workers.
Foster, C. (2023): “Affirmative action ruling reminds us that anti-Blackness is as American as apple pie.” The Tennessean.
Foster, C. (2022):“This Juneteenth, we must move from performative acts to truly eliminating racism.” The Tennessean.
Foster, C. (2022): “After Buffalo shooting, I thought, ‘Will I be next?’ Racial trauma is real.” The Tennessean.
Foster, C. (2022): “Is it really OK to not be OK? What Cheslie Kryst's death tells us about empathy.” The Tennessean
Foster, C. (2019): “In the quest for a crown, representation matters.” The Tennessean.
Foster, C. (2023): From Performative to Practical: When your checklist is not enough.
Interactive Workshop at the Council on Social Work Education 69th Annual Program Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
Diehl, A., Walker, T., Foster, C., Mallory, K. (2023): Beyond "Training": An Anti-Racism Learning Collaborative for practicum students and educators. Panel Presentation at the Council on Social Work Education 69th Annual Program Meeting. Atlanta, GA.
Keans, P., Toews, M., Foster, C., Tunnel, A. (2023): Normalize the Conversation around Violence and Adversities to Increase Resiliency at School. Hot Topic Panel Presentation, ResilienceCON Nashville. Nashville, TN.
Foster, C., Kates, J., Gibson, K., Navarre, J. (2023): Truth, Liberation, and Justice Collaborative. Interactive Workshop at the Social Work Distance Education Conference, Virtual Conference.
Foster, C., Held, M., Carter, A. (2022): Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 and Race-Based Trauma on the Mental Health of Black Social Work Providers. Interactive Workshop at the Council on Social Work Education 68th Annual Program Meeting. Anaheim, CA.
Foster, C., Kates, J., Gibson, K., Navarre, J. (2022): Truth, Liberation, and Justice Collaborative. Interactive Workshop at the Council on Social Work Education 68th Annual Program Meeting. Anaheim, CA
Foster, C. Foster, E. (2022): Peek-a-boo, I see you: Using Empathy and Equity to see our students. TN NAME Conference: Cookeville, TN, Workshop
Foster, C. (2022): “Is Anti-Racism Enough?” Moving from performance to transformation. National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health System of Care Summit, Virtual Presentation
Foster, C. (2022): Confronting and Embracing Difference. SWDE Conference, Virtual Presentation, Oral Presentation
Foster, C., Veit, K. (2021): Social Justice Beyond the Classroom: Experiential Field Trips. Interactive Workshop at the Council on Social Work Education 67th Annual Program Meeting. Orlando, FL. (Declined due to COVID-19)
Foster, C., Foster, E. (2021): Outside Looking In: Using Student Organizations to Implement SEL Competencies. SEL. Music City SEL: Nashville, TN, Virtual Workshop.
Foster, C. (2021): A Call for Social Workers to Dismantle Racism, University of Memphis Symposium. Virtual Conference, Workshop.
Foster, C., Veit, K. (2021). Field Trippin’ It: Connecting DE students to their University and to Social Work. Social Work Distance Education Conference: Austin, TX, Workshop (Re-scheduled from 2020 Conference)
Foster, C., Foster, E. (2020): Culturally affirming SEL Strategies simultaneously increase student success and increase teacher burnout. TN NAME Conference: Cookeville, TN, Workshop (Cancelled due to COVID-19
Foster, C., Foster, E. (2020): Better Together: Social Work and Education working together to implement culturally-relevant SEL. Music City SEL: Nashville, TN, Virtual Workshop.
Foster, C., Veit, K. (2020). Field Trippin’ It: Connecting DE students to their University and to Social Work. Social Work Distance Education Conference: Austin, TX, Workshop (Postponed due to COVID-19).
Mallory, K., Foster, C. & Cermak, S. (2019): Professionalism: A critical conversation for field practice. Interactive Workshop at the Council on Social Work Education 65th Annual Program Meeting. Denver, CO. (Declined due to COVID-19)
Foster, C., Murchison, T. (2019). It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Right: Faculty and Students Working Together to Promote Social Justice. TN NAME: Cookeville, TN. Oral Presentation
Foster, C., Foster, E. (2019). Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: ‘Cause SEL is Bad for Your Health. Music City SEL: Nashville, TN. Workshop
Foster, C., Murchison, T. (2019). Social Justice Innovation Initiative— Students and Faculty Collaborate to Challenge Social Injustice. SWDE: San Antonio, TX. Oral Presentation
Mallory, K. & Foster, C. (2018). Preparing Professional Social Workers for an Interprofessional World. Interactive workshop at the Council on Social Work Education 64th Annual Program Meeting. Orlando, FL.
Grant Recipient: (Co-PI) Social Justice Innovation Initiative: “Anti Bias Training in Field Education: Learning Collaborative for Students and Field Instructors” (2022), $20,000
Grant Consultant: (PI) David Bolt, Creating a Workspace for All: Supporting the Mental Health of Employees of Color: sponsored by the Columbia School of Social Work Micro-Grant
MCUAAAR Workshop Fellow: Summer Mentoring Workshop for Advanced Doctoral Students (2021)
Grant Recipient: (PI) University of Tennessee Challenge Grant Recipient: Division of Diversity and Engagement (2021), $2,000
Grant Recipient: (PI) Social Justice Innovation Initiative: Just Mercy (2020), $6,000
Grant Recipient: (PI) Social Justice Innovation Initiative: “Challenging Racism” Grant (2018), $15,000