Kyla Webb

Degree / Training: Graduated in 1985 from East Tennessee State University B.S.N, , R.N.
Years Working with BUHS / Responsibilities: .Two years with BUHS/ My responsibilities include: Compassionate care of students and staff; CPR Training to Health Services staff and others on campus; Oversight of Quality Control initiatives within Health Services
Hometown: Greeneville, TN but have lived in Hendersonville, TN for many years
When I'm not Working, I enjoy: Walking and Hiking, Travel, Reading, Spending time with my husband, children, and grandchildren, and special friends
Favorite Place on or near Campus: Walking down Belmont Blvd at lunch.
What I love most about working in BUHS: I have been a nurse for 38 years and this place is, hands down, the best place I have ever worked. The comradery and professionalism of the staff makes coming to work joyful!