Leigh Ann Bynum

Professor & Assistant Director of Collaboration & Education
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
PhD (Pharmaceutical Sciences) The University of Mississippi; MS (Wellness) The University of Mississippi; BA (Psychology) The University of Mississippi
Location: McWhorter Hall 319
Leigh Ann Bynum, Ph.D., has been a distinguished member of the Belmont faculty since August 2011, contributing her expertise in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a focus on Pharmacy Administration. A graduate of the University of Mississippi, she earned her Doctor of Philosophy, delving into the dynamics of Psychological Contract Breach, Professional Identity, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors among Pharmacy Faculty.
Before embarking on her doctoral journey, Dr. Bynum worked in the University of Mississippi's human resource department, handling a diverse array of employment issues and spearheading the employee training and development program. Subsequently, she served as the Director of Market Services at Baptist Memorial Healthcare Corporation, where her responsibilities spanned occupational health, physician contracting, sales, and marketing within the provider network.
In the early stages of her academic career, Dr. Bynum’s research covered areas such as human resource management in healthcare and the influence of medication synchronization on patient adherence and employee job satisfaction. Additionally, she explored the correlation between pharmacy faculty members' work-related attitudes, teaching philosophy, and their ability to counsel pharmacy students. Dr. Bynum's scholarly pursuits have evolved into a more interdisciplinary approach, reflected in her recent publications which span diverse subject areas. She has delved into topics such as Intimate Partner Violence, Health Outcome differences for historically marginalized populations, Pharmacy Students' Perceptions of Point of Care HIV testing, and Innovative Teaching and Learning Techniques in both professional and undergraduate student populations.
Organizational Behavior in Academia and in Healthcare
Public Health: Intimate Partner Violence, Health Outcome differences for historically marginalized populations
Innovative Teaching and Learning Techniques in professional and undergraduate student populations
Goswami, S., Barnard, M., Bynum, L.A., Thompson, S.,Kang, M. 14 Issue 9 Psychometric Evaluation of the Health Care Provider HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale (HPASS) using Rasch Analysis. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
Barnard, M., Bynum, L.A. & Bouldin, A. (2021) Preparing Student Pharmacists to Care for Patients Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning,. 13:12. 1619-1626.
oBarnard, M., Bynum, L.A., Sparkmon, W., & Imeri, H. (2021) When Love Hurts: Caring For Patients Experiencing Interpersonal Violence. Case 34 in Public Health in Pharmacy: A Case Book 2nd edition. Editor; Covvey, J.
Holmes, E.R. & Bynum, L.A. (2020) Customer Service in Pharmacy Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings 5th edition. Editors; Zgarrick, D.P., Moczygemba L.R. Alston, G. Desselle, S.P., 535-556.
Bynum L.A. & Holmes, E.R. (2020) The Basics of Employment Law and Workplace Saftey in Pharmacy Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings 5th edition. Editors; Zgarrick, D.P., Moczygemba L.R. Alston, G. Desselle, S.P., 347-366.
Clausen, A. Hahn, L, Frame, Hagan, S, Bynum, L.A., Thompson, M.E. Kinningham, K. (2019). An innovative escape room activity to assess student readiness for advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs) Currents in Pharmacy Teaching And Learning,11(7) 723-728.
Hammer, D.H., Bynum, L.A. Carter, J., Hagemeier, N.E., Kennedy, D.R., Khansari, P., Stamm, P., Crabtree, B. (2019). Revisiting Faculty Citizenship. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 83(4) 469-473.
Diaz Cruz, E., Bynum L.A. Thompson, S. (2016) Student Pharmacists Perceptions on their preparedness and comfort level in counseling on HIV transmission risk factors and over-the-counter HIV tests. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching And Learning. 8:757-766.
McGuire, M.J., Bynum L.A., Loveless, E. (2016). The Effect of an Elective Psychiatric Course on Pharmacy Student Empathy. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching And Learning. 8 (565-571).
Holmes, E.R. & Bynum L.A. Customer Service in Pharmacy Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings 4th edition. Editors; Desselle, S.P., Zgarrick, D.P., Alston, G. 451-490.
Bynum L.A. The Basics of Employment Law and Workplace Saftey in Pharmacy Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings 4th edition. Editors; Desselle, S.P., Zgarrick, D.P., Alston, G. 277-295.
Bynum, L.A. & Davison, K. A. (2014). Comparison of Faking on Equity Sensitivity Measures using Overclaiming Instrument. Journal of Managerial Issues. 26 (4):345-364.
Hayek, M., Smothers, J., Bynum, L.A., & Williams, W.A. (2014). Managing Healthcare Alliance Portfolios: A Theory Based Typology. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship. 19 (1): 3-17.
Kolassa, E.M., Holmes, E.R., Bynum, L.A. (2013). Limitations and Potential Misinterpretation of the National Disease and Therapeutic Index. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing.7(1); 34-44.
Holmes, E.R. & Bynum L.A. (2012). Customer Service in Pharmacy Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings 3rd edition. Editors; Desselle, S.P., Zgarrick, D.P., Alston, G. P219-237.
Bynum, L.A., Bentley, J.P., Holmes, E.R., Bouldin, A.S. (2012). Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of Pharmacy Faculty: Modeling Influences of Equity Sensitivity, Psychological Contract Breach, and Professional Identity. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics. 9(5).
Smothers, J., Hayek, M., Bynum, L.A., Novicevic, M.M., Buckley, M.R., & Carraher, S. (2010). Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.: Historical Impact and Historical Scope of his Works, Journal of Management History. 16(4); 521- 526.
Novicevic, M.M., Bynum, L.A., Hayek, M., & Fang T. (2010). Integrating Barnard's and Contemporary Views of Industrial Relations and HRM. Journal of Management History, 17(1); 126-138.
Bynum, L.A., Clayton, R.W., Hayek, M., Moeller, M., & Williams, W.A. (2009). Chandler as a Biographer: Content Thematic Analysis of Chandler's Biography of Henry Varnum Poor. Journal of Management History, 15(3); 272-283.
Bynum, L.A. (2019) Harassment and Employment Issues in Pharmacy. Presented as Continuing Education Webinar for CEImpact.
Bynum, L.A. (2018) Pharmacist Role in Value Based Contracts. Presented at Inaugural Artia Crossroads conference in Nashville, Tennessee.
Crabtree, B., Hammer, D., Bynum, L.A., Carter, J., Hagemeier, N., Kennedy, D., Khansari, P., Stamm, P (2016). Faculty Citizenship in the Academy: What is it and What Do We Do with It? Presented at American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy in Anaheim, California.
Williams, C., Huddleston, H. & Bynum L.A. (2022) Leveraging Academic and Practice Partnerships to Address Rural Health Outcomes in Tennessee. American Public Health Association Annual Conference and Expo in Boston, Massachusetts.
Gannon, T., Barnard, M., Bynum L.A., Thompson, S., Kang, M. & Goswami, S. (2022) Utilizing the Health Care Provider HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale (HPASS) to Explore Stigma among Pharmacy Students Towards People Living with HIV (PLWH) AACP Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy in San Francisco, California..
Johnson, T., Tucker, M., Hahn, L. & Bynum, L.A. (2022) Lessons Learned Facilitating a Large Inter-Professional Poverty Simulation for Undergraduate and Graduate Health Profession Students. Presented at the Tennessee Inter-professional Practice and Education Consortium in Nashville, Tennessee.
Goswami S., Barnard M., Bynum L.A., Thompson S., Kang M. (2022) Psychometric Evaluation of the Health Care Provider HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale (HPASS) Using Rasch Analysis. Presented at the International Society for Pharmaceutical and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) in Washington DC.
Taylor, P., Burch, B., McGuire, M.J, Pace, A. & Bynum L.A. (2017) Self-Stigma of Depression in Christians versus the General Population. Presented at
Williams, C., Huddleston, H. & Bynum L.A. Belmont Accelerator for Social Innovation Collaboration (BASIC) Hybrid Research Grant. BASIC Research Course BPH 3895/PHM 6895 received $1,765.00 in support of Community Health Assessment and Improvement