Mary Claire Dismukes

Career & Professional Development
Career Cluster: Education, Ministry & Public Service
Location: Office of Career & Professional Development, Jack C. Massey Center Suite 214
I’ve been passionate about helping people as long as I can remember. As a psychology major in undergrad, I didn’t know where my path would lead, but I knew it would involve making a difference in the world around me. I started my career with a non-profit home repair ministry hiring, training, and supervising the college-aged summer staff and have worked with college students ever since. I have spent the last 12 years as a career educator empowering others to make the world a better place using their unique gifts. Originally from FL, I have lived all over the country and landed at Belmont in 2016. It has always been my long term goal to lead a center of career and professional development at a mission-driven and student-centered university such as Belmont. When I’m not on campus, you can find me cheering on my two kids at a sports event or playground or enjoying a good meal with my husband.