Sandy Murabito

Associate Dean Undergraduate Student Affairs & Associate Professor
Gordon E. Inman College of Nursing
RN; EdD Trevecca Nazarene University; MSN (Nursing Administration) Vanderbilt University; BSN Western Kentucky University
Location: Inman Center 106
Dr. Sandy Murabito is the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Nursing Student Affairs. In her role, she oversees student support services, advising, and mentoring. Dr. Murabito earned her Associate Nursing Degree from Western Kentucky University in 1982 and returned to school while working as a registered nurse to obtain her BSN from Western Kentucky University in 1984. She received her MSN in Nursing Administration from Vanderbilt University in 1989. Dr. Murabito has clinical experience in women's health and oncology and served many years as a nurse manager before entering academia. Since 1992, she has enjoyed teaching the art and science of Nursing at Belmont.