Sandy Stevens

Assistant Professor
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
PhD Middle Tennessee State University, MS Middle Tennessee State University, BS University Kansas, OTR
Location: Inman Health Sciences Building 313
Sandra Stevens, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy at Belmont University. In addition to teaching neurophysiology, pathophysiology, and research classes, she is coordinating a community wellness program. Her research focuses on physical activity interventions to improve health and function in individuals with chronic disabilities.
Physical activity and health
Aquatic therapy
Board Member – Able and Ready Transportation - 2018 to Present
Board Member, United Spinal Association, Tennessee Chapter - 2016 to Present
Member, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2011 to Present
Member, American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine - 2007 to Present
Tennessee, Division of Health-Related Boards - 2002 to Present
Certification, Thermal Modalities
Certification, Electrical Modalities
Tennessee, Division of Health-Related Boards, Occupational Therapy - 1992 to Present
American Osteopathic College of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mid-Year Meeting and Scientific Seminar 2017. Philadelphia, PA, Second Place, Best Poster Presentations Award, February 2017.
Enhancing Rehabilitation Research in the South: 10th Annual Intensive Workshop on Grant Writing, Preparation and Submission in Rehabilitation Research, Charlottesville, VA, January 2012, Selected as a program participant.
American Spinal Cord Injury Association, Annual Scientific Meeting, Nashville, TN
Second Place, Best Poster Presentations Award, May 2010.
Addie, C. D., Farley, R. S., Stevens, S. L., Brandt, H. J., Arnett, J. E., & Caputo, J. L. (2022). The Effects of Surface Composition on 6-weeks of Plyometric Training. International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science, 10(4), 64-68.
Morgan, D. & Stevens, S. (2022) Use of water- and land-based gait training to improve walking capacity in adults with complete spinal cord injury: A pilot study, The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine DOI: 10.1080/10790268.2022.2088507
Conners R., Bates L., Lassalle P., Zieff G., Whitehead P., Stevens S., Killen L., Cochrum R., Rodebaugh K., Faghy M., and Stoner L. (2021). Current and Future Implications of COVID-19 among Youth Wheelchair Users: 24-Hour Activity Behavior. Children. 8(8), 690.
Bates, L., Conners, R., Zieff, G., Adams, N., Edgar, K., Stevens, S., Faghy, M., Arena, R., Vermeesch, A., Joseph, R., Keith, N., and Stoner, L. (2021). Physical activity and sedentary behavior in people with spinal cord injury: Mitigation strategies during COVID-19 on behalf of ACSM-EIM and HL-PIVOT, Disability and Health Journal,101177. ISSN 1936-6574
Harrison, L. J., Lepley, L. K., Stevens, S. L., Coons, J. M., Fuller, D. K., & Caputo, J. L. (2021) Relationship between functional movement and static and dynamic balance. Athletic Training & Sports Health Care,
Mehls, K., Grubbs, B., Stevens, S., Martinez, S., Jin, Y., and Coons, J. (2021). Correcting Movement Syndromes: The Role of Training Load and its Effects on Muscle Activity. Journal of Sports Sciences for Health,
Stevens, S., Michaels, N., Vanden Noven, M., Johnson, S., and Caputo, J. (2021). The step count accuracy of activity monitors on land and in water: Revisited. Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy, 29(2), 35-39.
Mehls, K., Grubbs, B., Stevens, S., Coons, J., and Jin, Y., (2020). Power Production and Development in Youth Athletes: The Effects of Training. Journal of Athletic Enhancement, 9(3). DOI: 10.37532/jae.2020.9(3).336
Scudamore, E., Coons, J., Fuller, D., Stevens, S., and Morgan D. (2020). Functional Movement Screen Items Predict Dynamic Balance Under Military Torso Load. Military Medicine, 185(3), 493-498, DOI:10.1093/milmed/usz310
Johnson, S., Stevens, S., Fuller, D., and Caputo, J. (2019). Effect of lower-extremity eccentric training on physical function in community-dwelling older adults. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 7(4), 298-312, DOI: 10.1080/02703181.2019.1648626
Stevens S. and Michaels N. (2019). Physical Activity and Arthritis. Research in Arthritis and Bone Study, 1(5), 1-2. 000523.2019.
Michaels N., Stevens S., Vanden Noven, M., McConnell, R., Sherrow, K., and Tweddle, M. (2019). The Accuracy of Activity Trackers on Land and in the Water: A Pilot Study. Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy, 27(1), 19-36. ISSN: 23776102.
Michaels N. and Stevens S. (2019). Aquatic Exercise for Patients with Osteoarthritis. Research in Arthritis and Bone Study, 1(4), 1-2. RABS.000518.2019.
Stone, W. J., Stevens, S. L., Fuller, D. K., & Caputo, J. L. (2019). Ambulation and physical function after eccentric resistance training in adults with incomplete spinal cord injury: A feasibility study. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 42(4), 526–533.
Scudamore, E., Coons, J., Fuller, D., Stevens, S., and Morgan, D. (2019) Use of functional movement screen scores to predict dynamic balance in physically-active males and females. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 33(7), 1848-1854. DOI:10.1519/JSC.0000000000002829
Stone, W. and Stevens, S. (2018). Walker vs Wheelchair User: Expected Gains from Lower Extremity Eccentric Resistance Training after Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury. Annals of Behavioral Neuroscience 1(1), 119-122. ISSN: 2638-9231
Stone, W., Stevens, S., Fuller, D., and Caputo, J. (2018). Strength and step activity after eccentric resistance training in those with incomplete spinal cord injuries. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 24(4), 343-352. DOI: 10.1310/sci17-00052
Stone,W., Stevens, S., Fuller, D., and Caputo, J. (2018). Ambulation and Physical Function after Eccentric Resistance Training in Adults with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. DOI: 10.1080/10790268.2017.1417804
Michaels N. N., Jones T., Stevens S., Raynes E. and Charles D., (2017) Aquatic Exercise in the Community as a Tool for the Instruction of Higher-Order Thinking In a Doctoral Physical Therapist Program. Journal of Applied Global Research, 10(24), 52-63.
Harrison, L.J., Young, K.L., Stevens, S.L. and Caputo, J.L. (2017). Underwater Treadmill Training for a Greenstick Fracture in a Collegiate Softball Player: A Case Report. International Journal of Athletic therapy and Training, 22(5), 33-38.
Dolbow, J., Dolbow, D., Stevens, S., and Hinojosa J. (2017). Restorative Effects of Aquatic Exercise Therapies on Gross Motor, Gait, and Cardiovascular Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Review of Literature. Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy, 25(1) 20-29.
Dolbow, J., Stevens, S., Herrera, M., and Wieting, M. (2017). Underwater treadmill Training: A new effective and safe gait restoration modality for the spinal cord injured population. Journal of Osteopathic Physiatry, 2(1), 11-12.
Stone, W., Stevens, S., Fuller, D., & Caputo, J. (2017). Eccentric resistance training in adults with and without spinal cord injuries. International Journal of Exercise Science, 10(1), 154-165.
Dolbow, J., Mehler, C., Stevens, S., and Hinojosa, J. (2016). Robotic-Assisted Gait Training for Pediatric Cerebral Palsy: A Review. Journal of Rehabilitation Robotics, 16(4), 14-21.
Dolbow, J., Stevens, S., and Gassler, J. (2016). The Gait Restorative Effects of Robotic-Assisted Gait Training for Individuals with Neurodegenerative Disease: A Review. Journal of Rehabilitation Robotics, 16(4), 2-13.
Dolbow J., Jones T., Dolbow D., and Stevens S. (2016) Efficacy of Underwater Treadmill Training as a Complimentary Gait Restoration Therapy for Spinal Cord Injured Individual: A Case Report. Clinical Kinesiology, 70(6), 9-15.
Dolbow, J., Gassler, J., Dolbow, D., and Stevens, S. (2016). Underwater Treadmill Training After Neural-Paralytic Injury. Clinical Kinesiology 70(1), 1-8.
Stevens, S. and Morgan, D. (2015). Heart rate response to underwater treadmill training in adults with incomplete spinal cord injury. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 21(1), 40-48.
Stevens, S., Caputo, J., Fuller, D., and Morgan, D. (2015). Impact of underwater treadmill training on physical function and walking status in adults with incomplete spinal cord injury. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 38(1), 91-101.
Stevens, S., Fuller, D., and Morgan, D. (2013). Lower-extremity strength and walking speed as predictors of daily step activity in adults with incomplete spinal cord injuries. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 19(1), 47-53.
Ishikawa, S., Stevens, S., Kang, M., and Morgan, D. (2011). Reliability of daily step activity monitoring in adults with incomplete spinal cord injury. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 48(10), 1187 – 1194.
Holbrook, E.A., Stevens, S.L., Kang, M., and Morgan, D.W. (2011). Validation of a talking pedometer for adults with visual impairment. Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, 43(6), 1094-1099.
Stevens, S., Holbrook, E., Fuller, D., and Morgan, D. (2010). Step activity patterns in typically-developing children and children with cerebral palsy: influence of age. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(12), 1891–1896.
Stevens, S., and Morgan, D. (2010). Underwater treadmill training for individuals with spinal cord injuries. Guest Editorial. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 47(7), vii – xi.
Stevens, S.L., and Morgan, D.W. (2008). Physical activity and quality of life in adults with spinal cord injuries. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 31(4), 373–378.
Stevens, S. Utah State University, College of Education and Human Services. Fall Research Seminar, Guest Speaker. Every Step Counts: The use of underwater treadmill training to improve health and fitness. Logan, Utah. October 2022.
Adams, N. T., Bates, L. C., Conners, R., Zieff, G., Edgar, K. M., Stevens, S., Faghy, M. A., Arena, R., Vermeesch, A., Joseph, R. P., Keith, N., Martin Ginis, K. A., Stoner, L. A configurative review of physical activity and sedentary behavior modifiers for people with spinal cord injury during COVID-19 and recommendations for promoting healthy behaviors. International Spinal Cord Society Annual Scientific Meeting. Vancouver, BC. 2022. [Poster]
Alasmar, R., & Stevens, S. (2021, July). The Effects of Exercise while Suspended on Low Back Pain and Daily Step Activity Following an 8-Week Training Protocol. National Strength and Conditioning Association, Orlando, FL.
Stevens, S. Tennessee State University, College of Education and Human Services. College of Health Science, Research Day, Keynote Speaker. The Clinical Bottomline. Nashville Tennessee. March 2021.
Michaels, N., and Stevens, S. (2021, February). Maintaining Activity While in Captivity: Taking Steps During a Pandemic. Proceedings from the Combined Sections Meeting, APTA. Virtual Meeting.
Scudamore, E., Fuller, D., Stevens, S., and Morgan, D. (October, 2018). Functional movement screen scores predict dynamic balance in physically-active adults. Central States American College of Sports Medicine meeting, Kansas City, MO.
Morgan, D. and Stevens, S. (October, 2017). A walk to a better tomorrow: improving fitness and function in persons with physical disability. University of Alabama – Huntsville Distinguished Speaker Series, Huntsville, AL.
Kim, H., Morgan, D.W., Stevens, S.L., Coons. J.M., and Kang, M. (May, 2017). Validity of the MAPS Score as a functional measure in adults with incomplete spinal cord injury. American College of Sports Medicine meeting, Denver.
Dolbow, J and Stevens S. (November 2017). Underwater Treadmill Training: A promising New Therapy for Patients with Neural-Paraletic Conditions. Presented at the Medical Fitness Association International Conference. Orlando, Florida.
Stone, W.J., Stevens, S.L., Fuller, D.K., & Caputo, J.L. (2017). Strength and step activity after eccentric resistance training in those with incomplete spinal cord injuries. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Central States Regional Meeting.
Stone WJ, Stevens SL, Fuller DK, Caputo JL. Ambulation and Physical Function after Eccentric Resistance Training in Adults with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury. Submitted for presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. 2017
Michaels, N., Jones, T., Maloney, J., and Stevens, S. Exercise, Exchange, and Excel with a Community Aquatic Exercise Program. 15th Annual Tennessee Disabilities Mega Conference. Nashville, Tennessee, May 2017
Michaels, N., Jones, T., Stevens, S., Raynes, E., and Charles, D. Aquatic Exercise in the Community. As a Tool for the Instruction of Higher-Order Thinking In a Doctoral Physical Therapist Program. 2017 Intellectbase International Consortium Academic Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, May 2017.
Kim, H., Morgan, D., Stevens, S., Coons, J., Kang, M. Validity of the Maps Score as a Functional Measure In Adults With Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury. 2017 Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine®, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise and the Brain of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO, May, 2017.
Dolbow JD, Stevens S, Gassler J. The Gait Restorative Effects of Robotic-Assisted Gait Training for Individuals with Neurodegenerative Disease. 19th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics. Boston, MA, April 2017
Stevens, S. L. Improving Fitness and Function in Personal with Physical Disabilities. Tennessee Athletic Trainers’ Society. 2017 Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium, Nashville TN, January 2017.
2023 – Center for Contemplative Justice. Development of a Wellness Collaborative for Thistle Farms. Awarded June 2023, $91,117. Role: Project Director
2022 – Center for Contemplative Justice. Development of a Wellness Collaborative for Thistle Farms. Awarded October 2022, $60,000. Role: Project Director
2017 – Aquatic Physical Therapy Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. The Efficacy of Activity Trackers on Land and in the Water. Awarded September 7, 2017, $5000.00. Role: Co-Investigator
2014 – NIH R15: Underwater treadmill training in adults with incomplete spinal cord injury. Awarded 5/2014, $388,894. Role: Primary Investigator.