Sue Iliff

Assistant Professor
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
PhD (Occupational Therapy) Texas Woman's University; MA (Occupational Therapy - Pediatric Specialty) Texas Woman's University; BS (Occupational Therapy) University of Kansas
Location: Inman Center 335
Community practice
American Occupational Therapy Association
Tennessee Occupational Therapy Association
Board Certification in Pediatrics through the American Occupational Therapy Association
Iliff, S. L., Hill, M. T., White, R. Alexander, A. (2023). Homeschool educators' perspectives about student needs within occupational therapy scope of practice: A pilot study. Homeschool Researcher Journal, 38(2),1-7.
Iliff, S., Johnson, C. (2023). Empowering Entrepreneurship in OT through Sustainable Community Partnerships. OT Practice, 28, 24-26, January 2023.
Iliff, S. L., Tool, G., Bowyer, P., Parham, D., Fletcher, T. S., & Freysteinson, W. M. (2021). Self-reflection and its relationship to occupational competence and clinical performance in level II fieldwork. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 19(1) Article 8.
Iliff, S. L., Tool, G., Bowyer, P., Parham, D., Fletcher, T. S., & Freysteinson, W. M. (2019). Occupational therapy student conceptions of self-reflection in level II fieldwork. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 3 (1).
Iliff, S., Allen, A., Alley, S.T., Burns, R., Lopez, L. M., Luke, B. J., Maddaleni, A., Martinez, K. L., & Rhee, V. I. (2015). Creating community collaboration with a fieldwork advisory board. OT Practice, 20, 16-18, January 19, 2015.
Chrisman (Iliff), S. L., Burtner, P. A., Candler, C. & Neville, M. (2013) Identifying children with and without handwriting difficulties using the print tool, Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 6(3), 241-254, December 11, 2013. doi: 10.1080/19411243.2013.850960
Iliff, S. L., Rainville, E. (2023). Let's tango! Exploring the mentor/mentee relationship. American Occupational Therapy Association INSPIRE, Student Workshop Session, Kansas City, MO, April 20, 2023.
Iliff, S. L., Bryant-Wimp, E., Ewald, A., Henson, P., Hornbuckle, A., Morgan, M., Wagstaff, E. & Wiedoff, A. (2022). Child perceptions and the effects of an adaptive dance program, Tennessee Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference—In-Person Student Poster Session, Memphis, TN, September 10, 2022.
Iliff, S. L., Barnes, M. A., Costello, P., Friberg, D., & Struckmeyer, L. (2022). Becoming a new doctoral capstone coordinator: Building your toolbox. American Occupational Therapy Association INSPIRE, 3-hour Workshop, San Antonio, TX, April 3, 2022.
Iliff, S. L., Bumbalough, T., Edwards, B., Patel, P., Rocha, S., Sondergeld, M., & Swiecki, G. (2022). Parental perspectives on inclusive dance program: Their child’s experiences and outcomes, American Occupational Therapy Association INSPIRE Poster Session, San Antonio, TX, April 2, 2022.
Iliff, S. L., Rainville, E. (2022). Let's tango! The mentor/mentee relationship. American Occupational Therapy Association INSPIRE Student Workshop Session, San Antonio, TX, March 30, 2022.
Iliff, S. L., Horner, C. S., Denton, R., Heuer, R., Ramsey, K., Reed, K. & Reid, K. (2021). Factors associated with fitness-to-drive for older adults with dementia or MCI – A pilot study, American Occupational Therapy Association INSPIRE Virtual Conference Poster Session, April 6-9, 2021.
Iliff, S. L. (2020). How to study for the NBCOT OTR exam, TrueLearn.
Iliff, S. L. (2020). How to set yourself up for success in OT fieldworks, TrueLearn.
Iliff, S. L., Horner, C. S., Denton, R., Heuer, R., Ramsey, K., Reed, K. & Reid, K. (2020). The predictive validity of Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s clinical driver assessment, American Occupational Therapy Association National Conference Poster Session, Boston, MA (conference cancelled due to COVID-19; poster presentation live streamed instead), March 26, 2020.
Iliff, S. L., Lucas Molitor, W., Friberg, D., & Struckmeyer, L. R. (2020). The next frontier: Capstone innovation to influence the future of OT, American Occupational Therapy Association National Conference Workshop, Boston, MA (conference cancelled due to COVID-19; workshop live streamed instead), March 28, 2020.
Iliff, S. L. (2018). Developing an on-line masters occupational therapy program, Kennedy University Presentation to President of University, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November, 2018.
Iliff, S. L. & Thelander-Hill, M. (2018). Perspectives of homeschool educators on occupational therapy: A pilot study, American Occupational Therapy Association National Conference Poster Session, Salt Lake City, UT, April 20, 2018.
Iliff, S. L. & Thelander-Hill, M. (2018). Perspectives of homeschool educators on occupational therapy: A pilot study, Young Scientist Theater, American Occupational Therapy Association National Conference Poster Session, Salt Lake City, UT, April 20, 2018. (repeated session at Young Science Theater)
Iliff, S. L. & Tool, G. (2018). OT student conceptions and relationship with self-reflection: A Phenomenographic approach, American Occupational Therapy Association National Conference Poster Session, Salt Lake City, UT, April 19, 2018.
Iliff, S. L. & Tool, G. (2018). OT student conceptions and relationship with self-reflection: A Phenomenographic approach, Young Scientist Theater, American Occupational Therapy Association National Conference Poster Session, Salt Lake City, UT, April 19, 2018. (repeated session at Young Scientist Theater)
Iliff, S. L. & Tool, G. (2017). Student conceptions of self-reflection and its relationship to occupational competence and clinical performance in level II fieldwork, American Occupational Therapy Education Summit Poster Session, Ft. Worth, TX, October 28, 2017.
Iliff, S. L. & Tool, G. (2017). Student conceptions of self-reflection and its relationship to occupational competence and clinical performance in level II fieldwork, Model of Human Occupation International Institute Poster Session, Houston, TX, October 15, 2017.
OT/PT Clinical Education Workshop: Clinical Supervision: Ways to Address Student Learning Styles, Generations, and Professionalism, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 28, 2017
American Occupational Therapy Association Fieldwork Educator Certificate Workshop, American Occupational Therapy Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 6-7, 2017
Third Annual Fieldwork Educator Appreciation Awards Event, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 11, 2017
CHS Scholarship Funding Award, Belmont University, Project title: Effects of an adaptive dance program on pediatric gross motor development (approx. $3000), 2019, 2021
University of New Mexico/ Health Sciences Center/ School of Medicine Scholarship in Education Allocations Committee (SEAC) (internal grant) approx. $3000, 2016-2018
Jean A. Spencer Research Award, funding for dissertation research, Texas Woman’s University, 2016-2017