Susan Finch

Associate Dean and Associate Professor of English
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Ph.D., Florida State University, Specialization in Creative Writing with an emphasis in Fiction
Location: Ayers 2044
Susan Finch (Ph.D., Florida State University) is an Associate Professor of English. She specializes in Creative Writing with an emphasis in fiction. She writes both fiction and nonfiction, and her work has appeared in Carve, The Louisville Review, New Ohio Review, The Portland Review, Nimrod International Journal of Poetry and Prose, among other literary publications. Her fiction has been a finalist in many contests, including the Tennessee Williams Fiction Contest, the Katherine Anne Porter Prize, and in 2015, she was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Most recently, she was the recipient of a Tennessee Williams Scholarship in fiction at The Sewanee Writers’ Conference. Her research interests include the novel, the short story, creative nonfiction, and children’s literature.