Tammy Legge

Program Chair Undergraduate Nursing & Associate Professor of Nursing, Certified Nurse Educator
Gordon E. Inman College of Nursing
RN; DNP (Nursing Education) Duquesne University; MSN-Ed (Nursing Education) Austin Peay State University; BSN Belmont University; ADN Belmont University, CNE
Location: Inman Center 206
Dr. Tammy Legge is the Department Chair for Undergraduate Nursing. She is a Certified Nurse Educator, a designation earned through the National League for Nursing, and a past recipient of the Faculty of the Year award. Dr. Legge joined the Belmont faculty as a full-time professor in August 2015. She has clinical practice experience in critical care, oncology, hematology, and emergency medicine. Dr. Legge is particularly interested in discovering and implementing the best evidence in nursing education. She is known for her innovative and creative classroom teaching and steadfast commitment to supporting students throughout their education journey.