Teresa Plummer

College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
PhD (Occupational Therapy) Nova Southeastern University; MS (Occupational Therapy) Belmont University; BS (Occupational Therapy) Medical College of Virginia; AS (Occupational Therapy) Mount Aloysius Jr. College
Location: Inman Center 303C
Teresa Plummer (PhD, MSOT, OTR/L, CAPS, CEAS, ATP) is a Professor in the School of Occupational Therapy. Her professional experiences include adult rehabilitation, assistive technology and seating & positioning. Dr Plummer has over 40Vyears of occupational therapy experience. She serves as the OTD Research Coordinator and the Educational Coordinator for the Institutional Review Board for Belmont University.
She has conducted workshops nationally and internationally in the areas of rehabilitation and assistive technology. She has been an invited guest speaker in Ireland, Switzerland, Singapore, and Argentina as well as many organizations in the Unites States and many international virtual workshops. She holds Assistive Technology Practitioner credentials from RESNA and actively continues clinical practice in this area. She is also a Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist and a Certified Aging in Place Specialist.
Dr. Plummer graduated with her Associate of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy from Mount Aloysius College in 1979, a Bachelor of Science from the Medical College of Virginia in 1984 and her Master of Science from Belmont University in 2005. She graduated from Nova Southeastern University with her PhD in Occupational Therapy in 2010.
Dr. Plummer serves as a reviewer for the American Journal of Occupational Therapy. She has co-authored the RESNA position paper on Pediatric Power Mobility (2009, 2015). Teresa is the author of “Leadership in the Classroom” in Dunbar’s text, An Occupational Perspective on Leadership (2009), a co-author of Leadership in Academia in Dunbar and Winston’s textbook, "An Occupational Perspective on Leadership” (2nd and 3rd ed.) and Function and Movement of the Trunk and Neck in “Kinesiology for the Occupational Therapy Assistant” (2012). Her doctoral dissertation topic was published 2012 in the Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice and is entitled “Participatory Action Research to Determine the Essential Elements of a Wheelchair Assessment”. Dr. Plummer provides OT services pro bono at Siloam Health Clinic. In 2019 Dr Plummer served as PI on the Human Factors Validation study for the Explorer Mini, by Permobil. This led to the FDA clearance of the Explorer Mini. Dr Plummer was selected to serve on the International Society of Wheelchair Professional work group. She served as the Group lead for the Participatory Action Research arm of the Wheelchair Educator’s Package.
Pediatric Mobility
Aging in Place
American Occupational Therapy Association
Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Society of North America
International Society of Wheelchair Educator/ International Society of Wheelchair Providers
American Home Building Association
Recipient of the Scholarship Award for Belmont University 2020-2021
Finalist for Scholarship Award, Belmont University
Presenter at TEDMED live conference “The Importance of a Child’s Access to their World” Nov 2018
Finalist for the Presidential Achievement Award, Belmont University 2017-2018
Virginia M. Chaney Distinguished Professor Award Finalist, Belmont University
Kleinfeld, L., Darr, N., Lemmonds, T., Plummer, T., (2022) The development and evaluation of a pediatric Interprofessional Education (IPE) experience for Occupational and Physical Therapy graduate students, Journal of Interprofessional Education, DOI: 10.1080/07380577.2022.2051781
Truskowski, S., Plummer, T., & Hachtel, Y. (2022) Doing, Being, Becoming and Belonging: Occupational Therapy Academic Role. In S.B. Dunbar and K. Winston
(Eds.) An Occupational Perspective on Leadership: Theoretical and Practical
Dimensions 3rd ed.). St. Louis: Slack Publications
Plummer, T., Bryan, M., Harris, A., Isenberg, M., Marquez, J., Rolling, L., Triggs, A, (2021) Parent perception of child safety transportation with children with autism spectrum disorder. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. Vol 5.
Plummer, T., Logan, S., & Morress, C. (2020). Explorer Mini: Infants’ initial experience with a novel pediatric powered mobility device. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, https://doi:10.1080/01942638.2020.1819935
Halkiotis, E. & Plummer, T. (2020). Explorer Mini: Enhancing development through early power mobility. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol 74, Sup.1.. https://doi:10.5014/ajot.2020.74si-po7205
Plummer, T., Bryan, M., Harris, A., Isenberg, M., Marquez, J., Rolling, L., Triggs, A, (poster, 2020) Parent perception of child safety transportation with children with autism spectrum disorder American Journal of Occupational
Therapy, 74(4_Supplement_1). https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2020.74s1-po1209
An Exploratory Study of The Perceptions of Foot Wear for Individuals who use Lower Limb Orthotics, (2020) Gegen, M, Plummer, T., Darr, N. Internet Journal of Allied Health Science and Practice. Vol 18 (4)
Graham, J. & Plummer, T. (2018) Perceptions of occupational therapist and yoga practitioners of the effectiveness of yoga on health and wellness, Annals of International Occupational Therapy, 1(3) 127-138
Kleinfeld, LL, Gibbs, D. Hachtel, Y., Plummer, T. (2018) Applying the Social Change Model of leadership to an entry-level Occupational Therapy Doctorate program. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 2 (1).
https. Doi.org10.26681
Beavers, D, Holm, M., Rogers, J., Plummer, T., Schmeler, M. (2018) Adaptation of the Adult Functional Mobility Assessment (FMA) into a FMA-Family Centered (FMA-FC) Pediatric Version. Child Care and Health Development. https://doi 10.1111/cch.1257
Independent researcher for Permobil Explorer Mini Human Factors Validation study 2019-2020
Independent Researcher for User's Manual for Permobil Explorer Mini 2019-2020
Independent Researcher for Explorer Mini study for 6-12 month old infants, for FDA submission 2023-present
Author/Collaborator for creating a "Guideline for teaching Powered Mobility to Infants and Children 2020-2022