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Poetry Contests

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Belmont Volunteers for Literacy - Family Literacy Day - Belmont University   Dollar General logo

Since 2010, Belmont has sponsored a poetry contest for Metro Nashville Public School Elementary School students.  In 2018, we began sponsoring a poetry contest for Metro Nashville Public School Middle School students.  With Metro Nashville Public Schools moving 5th grade back into the elementary schools, for 2024, we've split the Elementary School Contest into two, one for 1st - 3rd grades and one for 4th & 5th grades.

This year's contests were open to students at MNPS elementary and middle schools. Students submitted poems based on this year's themes and the top 5 from each contest were selected by the Belmont English Club. Each poet finalist worked with local professional songwriters to set their poem to music at Ocean Way Studios.

The 1st Place winners in each contest receive $500, split evenly between the poet and their teacher for their classroom. 2nd Place winners receive $300, 3rd Place winners receive $200, and 4th and 5th Place winners each receive $100, all prizes being equally shared by the poets and their teachers for the classroom.

Listen & vote by April 11!

This year's theme: My Hero

This year's songs are listed below in alphabetical order. Listen to both and vote for your favorite by April 11 using the form below!

  • MY HERO -- see lyrics // see original poem  
  • MY MOM -- see lyrics // see original poem 

This year's theme: Favorite Season

This year's songs are listed below in alphabetical order by title. Listen to each of them and vote for your favorite by April 11 using the form below!

  • HAPPINESS -- see lyrics // see original poem  
  • MY RED MAPLE TREE -- see lyrics // see original poem 
  • OH, HOW I LOVE THE FALL -- see lyrics// see original poem
  • SNOWLIT -- see lyrics // see original poem
  • SPRING, SPRING -- see lyrics // see original poem

This year's theme: Family

This year's songs are listed in alphabetical order below. Listen to each and vote for your favorite by April 11 using the form below!

  • BLOOD TO ME {lyrics} {original poem}  
  • FAMILY {lyrics} {original poem} 
  • FAMILY PICTURE {lyrics} {original poem}  
  • THAT'S WHAT FAMILY MEANS TO ME {lyrics} {original poem} 

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