Tell us a bit about your background.
I was born and raised in Nashville and have always lived in Nashville – within about a 15-mile radius! I attended both public and private schools – graduating from Donelson Christian Academy. I then attended Belmont University, graduating summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in education. I attended law school in Nashville and upon graduating, I worked at a firm for much of my career, before going in-house. For much of my practicing career, I was as a litigator and loved it.
I married Belmont alumnus, Jeffrey Dean Smith. During our time here, Mr. Bob Mulloy was one of our most important mentors. (Mr. Mulloy is the reason Jeffrey gave up a Presidential scholarship in Arkansas to attend here…without a scholarship!) Jeffrey is a speaker, author – published by Penguin Random House – and former Christian artist. During COVID, Jeffrey began serving as lead pastor at Donelson First.
What first inspired your interest in teaching and in your subject area?
Although I practiced law for many years, I have always had a love of teaching. Most importantly, I wanted to teach at Belmont because I absolutely loved my time as a student here and my Belmont professors! I began adjunct teaching many, many years ago – both in the Music Business program and in the College of Business. I love the law, and I love helping others understand the law and how it impacts us – personally and professionally.
Finally, my lifelong dream of being at Belmont in a full-time capacity came in 2017 when Dean Doug Howard called and offered me a position in the music business department. I count that call as one of the top 10 days of my life!
What is it like teaching on campus as an alumna?
Teaching as an alum is so much fun because I have some wonderful memories – both as a student, teacher and now as a parent of two students.
Sometimes when I arrive on campus my mind goes back to when I was here as a student. I was active on campus – serving on SGA, cheering and being involved with Towering Traditions. I lived in Wright Hall, and my window (all 4 years) overlooked the BSU Barn (where the current Curb Garage is) and the old gym (near the same area as the current gym). So, peering out my dorm window allowed me the opportunity to overlook the most important parts of campus for me. Although I am in a new location, all these years later, I still peer out at the same area.
Also, during my time at Belmont, the current business school building (Barbara Massey Rogers Center) was built, and we moved from our location in the current library! For many years as an adjunct, I taught in that building – which was extra fun for me.
Fun Fact: I cheered during the time when Scott Corley, our VP of Athletics, played basketball.
What is your favorite part of being a Belmont parent?
I love looking out my office window and hearing students talk on the cafeteria patio or playing on the lawn, and I especially love it when I look out and hear/see my own children. Many times, they are the loudest so I am easily drawn to locating them out my window. Bailey is a senior accounting major, and Brynnan is a sophomore communications and creative and entertainment industries major. They probably love Belmont almost as much as their dad and I do!
At the moment, my favorite part of being a Belmont parent is getting to know my girls’ friends who are Belmont students. Daily, I get to see what a wonderful group of people Belmont students are, as my children are doing life with them!
My husband and I were always proud to be students at Belmont, we have been proud alums, and now, we’re proud Belmont parents.
Tell us what you’re working on as chair of the music business program, especially in light of such a big year.
Rush Hicks, who served as chair of the music business department for so many years, provided me with so much guidance as I moved into this position last year. In addition to the day-to-day work of chairing the largest department on Belmont’s campus, this year has been full of excitement as we celebrate 50 years of music business education. Throughout this year, we are offering several exciting events including an alumni celebration in the Fisher Center on October 3; a fun social media campaign visiting many of our alumni who work on Music Row; hosting Stephen Day at Day to Dream; and coming up in April, “Belmont at the Opry.” Stay tuned for more fun events!
What courses are you teaching this semester?
This semester, I am teaching a couple of sections of Music Industry Contract Law and an MBA class entitled Music Business Marketplace.
What have been the highlights of your time at Belmont to date?
I hate to sound silly, but every day is a highlight as I get to live my life-long dream of teaching Belmont students about the business of music, as well as a few life skills along the way.
As I consider this question, I find it very special that I get to serve as chair of the music business department during its golden anniversary for many reasons. In particular, because of my great love and respect for Mr. Mulloy, my appreciation of the program from a former student’s perspective, as well as my recognition of the strength of this program from my professional role. I feel as if I am able to help bridge the connection between the dreams that Dr. Gabhart, Mr. Mulloy and others had when creating this unique department with today’s market. There is no more exciting place than Belmont’s music business department!
What are your hopes for the future of your Belmont students, your career and
the University broadly?
My hope is that Belmont continues to be Christ-centered and student-focused. More particularly, I hope our music business program has another great 50 years as we build upon the legacy of our first 50 years and we “create leaders and shape culture.”
Tell us a bit about your family and what you like to do for fun.
My family loves spending time together! We like to travel, listen to music, host parties and enjoy one another.