2024 Juneteenth Celebration

Woman in multicolored African dress leads a group of people dancinge
Stories of Impact

2024 Juneteenth Celebration

June 20, 2024 | by Jasmine Simmons

Juneteenth celebration cultivates an environment of care and consideration at Belmont 

Belmont’s campus gathered to celebrate Juneteenth, June 14. Along with the planning committee, various staff volunteers helped carry out a memorable celebration. 

Human Resources Generalist Andrea McClain began the celebration with an African dance lesson set to the rhythmic beats of African drummers from the Global Education Center. Attendees also enjoyed music, more dancing and trivia during the celebration. Pizza was catered by Slim & Husky’s, a Black-owned business co-founded by Belmont alumnus EJ Reed, and beverages were donated by Sodexo. 

“Recognizing Juneteenth is one of the many ways Belmont leans into its mission and strategic pathways of whole-person formation and embracing hope and inclusivity to reweave the social fabric,” planning committee chair Renee Schultz said. “We really tried to honor the celebratory nature of Juneteenth in our planning. The dancing, food and music are traditional parts of most Juneteenth celebrations. We also were intentional to work with community partners, like the Global Education Center and Slim & Husky's.”   

Although slavery in the United States was officially abolished in 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, news of freedom didn’t reach all enslaved Black people in America at the same time. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865 – two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed– when the announcement of freedom came to the nation’s last slaves living in Galveston, Texas. 

“It's important to know the history of where we all come from,” shared Support and Programming Specialist Essence Collins, who served on the Juneteenth planning committee. “Everyone experiences adversity, but we don't always get to celebrate overcoming it.” 

Juneteenth has been a significant event for Black Americans with many groups and communities gathering to celebrate over the years. Juneteenth was officially declared a national holiday in 2021. Since then, the University has acknowledged June 19 as a paid holiday for employees and each year campus is invited to join in a celebratory event. 

2024 Juneteenth Planning Committee:

Renee Schultz, Heather Daughter, Gary Hunter, Debbie Sprang, Essence Collins, Jasmine Simmons