Seven Things the Best Colleges for English Majors Have in Common

Students in an English classroom
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Seven Things the Best Colleges for English Majors Have in Common

July 19, 2024 | by Nolan Galbreath

Here's what to consider when comparing English programs from different colleges

When searching for the best college to attend for English majors, researching your options is crucial to finding one that meets your needs and provides a high-quality educational experience. While most schools tend to offer English degree programs, some are not as comprehensive or supportive as others.

If you’re looking for ways to find colleges with the best English programs, check out this list of the seven most common traits that top colleges for English majors share. These factors will not only enhance your academic experience but also provide valuable opportunities for personal and professional growth.

All of the attributes featured in this list will ensure that English majors receive a well-rounded and enriching education. 

1. A Diverse Range of English Courses

When it comes to getting your degree, you want to find a program that offers a comprehensive curriculum and a diverse range of English courses. The basics just aren’t going to cut it. Schools like Belmont University that offer a large variety of English-related courses are excellent choices for English majors who want a fully fleshed-out educational experience. These programs often include specialized classes in areas such as essay writing, rhetoric, creative writing, poetry, cultural studies, literary criticism and digital literacy, guaranteeing a well-rounded and engaging academic journey.

2. Expert Faculty

Looking into the professors and faculty members is a great way to determine the quality of a college’s English program. When researching, check to see if the faculty includes renowned scholars, published authors and experienced educators who are leaders in their fields. Look for professors who have a strong track record of research, have received awards or accolades and are actively contributing to literary and academic communities. 

Additionally, consider whether these faculty members are accessible and involved in mentoring students, as their guidance can greatly enhance your educational experience and professional development. Top-tier colleges will boast faculty who not only excel in their academic pursuits but also demonstrate a genuine commitment to student success.

3. Literary Publications

Student-run literary magazines and journals that provide platforms for creative expression and professional development are a perfect opportunity for English majors to perfect their art before entering the workforce. Check to see if the schools you are looking into have opportunities for students to showcase their talents and gain publishing experience early on in their careers. 

Belmont University is proud to feature “The Belmont Literary Journal,” which was founded over 40 years ago to give students an outlet to publish their art and writing. The student-run editorial team, under the guidance of a faculty advisor, is responsible for selecting, editing and promoting all published content each year. In recent years, “The Belmont Literary Journal”, produced through a course within the English Department, has established its online presence at Each issue is designed by students and made accessible to a global audience.

4. Major-Related Clubs and Activities

Being able to immerse yourself in a like-minded community is a fantastic way to network, find inspiration and sharpen your skills. When looking for the best schools to attend for English majors, look into whether the school offers clubs or community events. 

In addition to having a top-rated English program, Belmont University provides several ways to connect with other English majors, including the Belmont Creative Writing Club, the Bruin Book Club, the Belmont Screenwriters Club, Belmont University Volunteers for Literacy and Sigma Tau Delta, a group of high-achieving English scholars promoting literacy and community service. 

5. Internship Programs

As you are completing your degree, thinking about the future can set you up for success. An excellent way to prepare for your future after earning your English degree is to partake in internship programs through your college. Doing so can help you have some first-hand experience under your belt, giving you a leg up in the workforce when future employers see your impressive resume. Internships can also help you to network with professionals in your field, build valuable connections and gain practical skills that are directly applicable to your career goals. They provide a unique opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world situations, allowing you to explore various career paths and identify your specific interests. 

Internships can also often lead to job offers post-graduation, providing a seamless transition from student to professional. Colleges like Belmont University with strong internship programs typically have established relationships with reputable companies and organizations, ensuring that their students have access to high-quality, meaningful internship experiences.

6. Successful Alumni

Many colleges feature reviews and stories about alumni to show how successful one can become after earning a degree through their program. These success stories can provide valuable insights into the potential career paths and achievements of graduates. Highlighting these success stories not only showcases the quality of the program but also serves as an inspiration for prospective students. If a college or university doesn’t feature any alumni information, this may be a red flag.

Keep a look out for reviews or shared stories from past alumni, often featured on a degree program page. Belmont University’s English program has several alumni mentioned on their page, one of whom has found success as an executive editor for USA Today. 

7. Career Guidance

As mentioned earlier in this list, thinking about your future while completing your English degree is the best way to set yourself up for success. This includes considering what direction you want to take your career path. However, deciding what to do within your career after graduating can be a daunting task, which is why it is so important to find a college that offers career guidance. The faculty and advisors at Belmont University are well-versed in helping students navigate their career options, providing personalized advice and support to ensure they make informed decisions. 

Career services at the top colleges for English majors often include resume workshops, interview preparation, job search strategies and networking events. These resources are designed to equip students with the tools they need to successfully transition from academia to the professional world. Additionally, colleges with robust career guidance programs often have strong connections with employers, facilitating internships, job placements and alumni networking opportunities. By choosing a college that prioritizes career guidance, you can feel confident that you’ll receive the support you need to achieve your professional goals.

Choosing the College That's Right for You

When it comes to finding the best college for your English studies, thorough research is required to guarantee that you choose a college that meets your academic ambitions, personal needs and career goals. While many schools offer English degree programs, the quality and support they provide can vary significantly. By focusing on the seven common traits shared by top colleges for English majors, you can identify the programs that will offer the best educational experience to set you up for success.

From diverse course offerings and expert faculty to robust literary publications and major-related clubs, Belmont University goes above and beyond to create an environment that nurtures learning and growth. This makes us one of the top colleges for English majors in Tennessee. Our comprehensive curriculum, valuable internship programs and career guidance will help you transition smoothly from academia to the professional world. 

As you continue your search for a school to attend, use this list as a guide to evaluate your options and find the best fit for your English studies. A college like Belmont University that excels in these areas will enhance your academic journey and set you up for success in your future career. Take the time to explore and compare, and you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect college to achieve your goals.

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Learn more about Belmont's English program.