Preparing for Academic Advising

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Student preparation is the key to a successful advising session. You are ultimately responsible for fulfilling all of the requirements of your degree—your advisor is simply a guide along your path who can assist you in thinking through your academic path here at Belmont as well as your future career aspirations. To maximize your time to discuss those broader topics, it’s imperative that students arrive at their advising appointments with a firm grasp on their academic requirements and their plan—and back up options—for the next semester’s course schedule.

Pre-Advising Checklist

  • Understand your expectations and responsibilities.
  • Sign Up to meet with your advisor.  To find out who your advisor is, login to your Degree Works audit.  Your advisor name and email can be found in the top box under your BUID and name.  
  • Prepare for your appointment!
    • Review your DegreeWorks through MyBelmont to ensure accuracy and to determine what courses you need.
    • Search for class options in Classfinder.
    • Create a list of courses—and back up options— you would like to take.
    • Review plan for completing WELL Core credits.
    • Think about other questions you may have—academic advising is a great time to discuss study away/abroad, internships, networking, career goals and more with an expert in your field.
  • Be on time for your appointment.
  • Inform your advisor of any courses you are taking or planning to take at another institution. Students must receive approval by submission of a concurrent enrollment form to the Office of the Registrar prior to taking courses at another institution.
  • Listen and communicate during your advising session.

Advisors are helpful and resourceful when assisting students with their degree planning. However, students are primarily responsible for being knowledgeable and satisfying all degree requirements.

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