While outdoors among trees, an older man showing a book to two young people.

Good Neighbor Guidelines

Community Relations

Belmont University values its long-standing relationship with the citizens of Nashville.

The university and its students have been an integral part of the local community since 1890. It is the responsibility of all members of the university to preserve and promote this important tradition for current and future students.

University Statement of Values: Belmont proclaims the values of individual worth; personal integrity; critical thinking; self-control; and community responsibility, and seeks to experience the growth and fulfillment which characterize a dynamic environment.

Students living in off-campus residences have an impact, either positive or negative, on the university’s relationship with the surrounding community. The university encourages all students to be good citizens of their neighborhood. Students are expected to be considerate and helpful neighbors to permanent residents and other students who live nearby. Students are expected to be knowledgeable of, and abide by, applicable laws and city ordinances.
A Community Relations staff member laughs with a neighbor

Submit a Good Neighbor Concern

Your voice matters! We value our relationship with the community and want to ensure a positive living environment for everyone. If you have any concerns or feedback about university-related issues, please share them with us. Together, we can address and improve our neighborhood.

Kids and Belmont Students hold hands in a circle smiling on the lawn

Helpful Links

The following links refer to legislation set in place by the city of Nashville and the state of Tennessee.

The following guidelines are designed to help foster good relationships between students and neighbors residing in the Nashville community.

  • Introduce yourself to your neighbors when you move in. Exchange phone numbers as a matter of goodwill.
  • Encourage neighbors to call you first if there are any problems at your residence such as loud music, litter, etc. Be respectful and responsive to their concerns.
  • Offer to help neighbors, especially if they are elderly or infirm, with such things as carrying groceries, raking leaves or running errands.
  • Keep your yard neat and picked up. If the landlord is responsible for this, make sure he/she does it regularly.
  • Don’t allow pets to run loose. Metro enforces the leash law.
  • Always ask permission from a dog's owner before approaching or petting it. If the dog barks, lunges or growls, stop approaching it and allow the owner to cross the street or reverse directions.

Parties or Social Events

  • Learn the acceptable and legal places for parking at your residence. It is a violation of a Metro Nashville ordinance to block a sidewalk or driveway.
  • Let your neighbors know in advance if you are planning a large gathering/party at your residence.
  • Have plenty of trash cans available. The morning after a party remove, any litter in the immediate area of your residence, in neighboring property and/or in the street.
  • Set a reasonable ending time for the event and have everyone leave at that time (remember, your neighbors may have to get up early the next morning, or may have children).
  • Limit the number of guests to a manageable number. Large crowds can become hard to monitor or control.
  • Designate 1-2 individuals to be available to interact with police or neighbors if you have problems. All tenants of the residence are responsible for behavior that occurs on the premises. Cooperate with the requests of the police or neighbors.
  • Inform guests not to trespass on neighbors’ property.

NOTE: Belmont University policies prohibit the possession, distribution or consumption of alcohol or illicit drugs on campus or at any university-sponsored event. An off-campus event may be considered university-sponsored if the student organization or group:

  1. Mails or distributes any form of fliers advertising the event on Belmont property.
  2. Advertises/promotes the event in any Belmont media.
  3. Distributes/posts any form of literature on the Belmont campus advertising the event.
  4. Announces on campus or at any official function.
  5. Receives any form of university or student government aid for the event.
  6. Takes funds from any account handled by the university on any advertising on or off campus in the promotion of the event.
  7. Uses the name/logo/etc. of Belmont University on any advertising on or off campus in the promotion of the event.

All university-sponsored events must abide by the Statement of Values and Behavioral Expectations as well as other Belmont policies. Belmont University is not responsible for any injury, damage, debt or other liability caused by the acts or omissions of student organizations that are in violation of the Statement of Values and Behavioral Expectations or other university policy.

An image of a Belmont student with a Welcome to Belmont t-shirt on and red and blue face paint

Summary of Selected Laws and Ordinances

More than three unrelated tenants: It is against the law for a group of more than three unrelated persons to live together in a dwelling unit.

Public Intoxication: It is against state law and city ordinance to be intoxicated in public. This applies even if you are of legal age (over 21). Violators can be given a summons or arrested.

Underage Consumption: The legal drinking age in Tennessee is 21 years of age. People furnishing alcohol to underage persons are in violation of the law. Violators can be given a summons and held responsible in the event of an accident.

Amplified Music*: Persons using equipment for amplification of sound shall not operate it in such a manner as to disturb the peace and comfort of their neighbors with a volume louder than it is necessary for convenient hearing of those in the room or the premises from which the equipment is used. The operation of such equipment in a manner as to be plainly audible on any adjacent or adjoining property shall be deemed evidence of a violation of Metro Code unless specifically permitted by a Metro agency or department.

*Be familiar with Metro Nashville Noise Ordinances, and rules governing amplified music. The entire Metro Code of Ordinances may be found here.

Safe Driver Bookmark

Please be a good neighbor and drive safely.

  • Avoid parking on residential streets.
  • Do not park illegally on or off campus by blocking driveways, crosswalks or fire lanes.
  • Obey traffic laws, driving less than 15 mph on streets and 5 mph in parking garages.
  • Stop at stop signs on residential and campus streets and inside parking garages.
  • Yield to pedestrians and emergency vehicles.
  • Be aware of increased construction vehicles on and around campus.
  • Report any and all on campus incidents to Campus Security at 615-460-6617.