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The Rabbi Mark & Harriet Schiftan Holocaust Endowment Fund focuses attention on Holocaust studies, awareness and remembrance, and seeks to educate Belmont students, as well as the greater Nashville community, concerning issues related to the Holocaust.

The Dr. Frank & Julie Boehm Lecture Endowment Fund focuses on the history of Judaism by providing an annual lecture series that brings lecturers from both Jewish and Christian communities to campus each spring to discuss a wide variety of topics that honor and respect both faith traditions. Invited expert speakers concentrate on the many historical events that helped shape Judaism, other world religions, as well as the birth and history of modern-day Israel.

The Riven Family Endowment Fund offers support to the various programs and activities that are a part of the on-going work of the The Jewish-Christian Relations Initiative, which includes lectures, classes, and conversations.  In particular, The Riven Family Endowment Fund also provides sponsorship for ongoing travel and learning opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to experience the land, history, and heritage of the State of Israel from both a Jewish and Christian perspective. It is believed that the interaction of both Jewish and Christian participants on such a trip will provide meaningful learning opportunities, increased understanding, and lifelong relationships.

The Shelly and Trish Krizelman Endowment Fund for Judeo-Christian Values and Ethics highlights the shared faith traditions and wisdom literature regarding a variety of topics, including the protection of the biblical honored vulnerable populations including the widow, the orphan, the poor and the stranger. This includes a focus on the civil rights and liberties engrained in our nation’s constitution and other sacred documents and protections and their biblical roots and traditions.

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