Two nursing students having coffee together on the 4th Floor Ayers Center Patio

Student Opportunities

Gordon E. Inman College of Nursing

The Inman College of Nursing supports many organizations and activities for students to get involved with—both on and off campus—to support their time at Belmont and beyond.

Active participation in community life can greatly enhance the quality of a student’s educational experience—we encourage all students to participate!

Community Service, Mission and Study Abroad

In addition to the many university-sponsored mission and study abroad trips, nursing students participate in health-related projects in our neighborhood, city, state and around the world. Our students regularly participate in service-learning at Room in the Inn, Red Cross Blood Drives, Health Fairs, Remote Area Medical (RAM) Clinics, Campus Flu Vaccine Clinics, and Sports Clinics. During the COVID-19 pandemic, students completed service learning at call centers, screening centers, and contact tracing sites, and in recent years, nursing students have participated on trips to Africa, Cambodia, China, Guatemala, Haiti and Northern Ireland.

Sigma Theta Tau International

Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), the Honor Society of Nursing, is dedicated to improving the health of people worldwide by increasing the scientific base of nursing practice. Members are nursing scholars and students committed to the pursuit of excellence in clinical practice, education, research and leadership.

In 1922, six students from the Indiana University Training School for Nurses in Indianapolis founded the organization, choosing the society's name from three Greek words meaning love, courage and honor. As women ahead of their time, the founders’ vision for the society helped bring recognition to nursing as a science.

Belmont’s College of Nursing has always had a commitment to excellence in nursing scholarship and practice. Belmont's chapter of STTI, Omicron Phi, was chartered May 2, 1998. We currently have approximately 125 members. Undergraduate students who rank in the top 35% of their class after completing half of the nursing curriculum are invited to join STTI. Graduate students who have completed one quarter of their curriculum and have demonstrated excellence in nursing are invited to join STTI. Members of the community can also be invited as Nurse Leaders.

Omicron Phi holds several events to promote the recognition of excellence and the dissemination of scholarship.

Student Nurses Association

The Student Nurses Association (SNA) is a student organization for all nursing students that is affiliated with the National Student Nurses Association. SNA provides the first opportunity for students to get involved with a professional nursing organization which is vital for nurses.

SNA sponsors events that promote healthy living or show the scope of nursing practice and provides opportunities for nursing students to participate in community service events, business meetings, and social events. Members also get the benefits of a Barnes and Noble book discount and a mentorship program.

To find out more information about the Belmont SNA:

Contact Us

Gordon E. Inman College of Nursing

1900 Belmont Bouelvard 
Nashville, TN 37212

Phone:  (615) 460-6139

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