Interested in hiring Massey College of Business talent?
Please provide a position description that includes the information listed below:
Name of Company
Company Contact Name
Approximate number of hours per week (if internship)
Paid or unpaid (if internship)
If you would sponsor a work visa for the right candidate
E-mail address or website where interested applicants should apply
Your position will be posted on a password protected website accessible to Belmont students and alumni. Interested applicant resumes will be sent to the preferred email address you provide. It is then your responsibility to contact applicants for interviews and internships. If the internship is a recurring position, simply contact the Career Development Center to refresh the posting.
Belmont University requires that all internships (paid and unpaid) provide students with a high-quality educational experience. Paid internships can be posted with us at any point during the year, but unpaid internships are only posted at the beginning of each semester and expire after the semester begins. It is the responsibility of the internship site (sponsoring organization) to make certain the company/organization is in compliance with applicable wage and hour laws in operating its internship program. If interns are used as employees, interns are required to earn at least a minimum wage. To review criteria established by federal law for evaluating the difference between interns and employees, go to this resource.
You can email your job posting to or create an account in Handshake to post and manage the opportunity yourself. In order to do that, follow the instructions in the links below:
Getting Started with Handshake
How to Create a User Account in Handshake
How to Post a Job in Handshake
Want more information? Visit Handshake's Employer Site.
Belmont's Internship/Job Post Policy
A Little about our Student Interns
- Interns can major in any one of the following: Accounting, Business Systems & Analytics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, General Business, Hospitality & Tourism Management, International Business, International Economics, Management, Marketing, Social Entrepreneurship or Supply Chain Management
- They may intern on full-time or part-time, and in paid or unpaid positions and can earn course credit regardless of whether the position is paid or unpaid
- Students will typically be of sophomore, junior, or senior standing
Students who accept unpaid internships must be registered for course credit. If the internship your company provides is unpaid, please confirm with the student that they have registered with the Massey College of Business Career Development Center for credit. Students who accept paid internships are not required to register for course credit, but have the option to earn course credit, if desired.
How Academic Credit is Applied
The following includes course credit hours and the corresponding number of hours a student must intern to receive credit for a Fall or Spring 15-week semester:
1 credit hour | Minimum 10 hours/week: 150 hours total |
2 credit hours | Minimum 12 hours/week: 180 hours total |
3 credit hours | Minimum 15 hours/week: 225 hours total |
4 credit hours | Minimum 18 hours/week: 270 hours total |
5 credit hours | Minimum 22 hours/week: 330 hours total |
6 credit hours | Minimum 30 hours/week: 450 hours total |
The following includes course credit hours and the corresponding number of hours a student must intern to receive credit for a Summer 10-week semester:
1 credit hour | Minimum 15 hours/week: 150 hours total |
2 credit hours | Minimum 18 hours/week: 180 hours total |
3 credit hours | Minimum 22 hours/week: 220 hours total |
4 credit hours | Minimum 27 hours/week: 270 hours total |
5 credit hours | Minimum 33 hours/week: 330 hours total |
6 credit hours | Minimum 40 hours/week: 400 hours total |
Requirements for our Internship Program
Students may only receive course credit during the semester when they intern. Credit is not awarded retroactively. The internship must relate to the student's educational and/or occupational goals. Employers must be willing to enter the training agreement with Belmont University and complete an evaluation of the intern's performance at the end of the term. As a University, we follow an academic calendar, therefore, the internship must comply with that calendar.
What Makes An Internship Great?
- A clear and detailed description of the interns' responsibilities, projects, expectations, etc.
- At least one significant project in which the student can participate
- A setting which broadens experience and promotes increased understanding of business, self-confidence, maturity and accomplishment
- Opportunities to network with industry professionals and learn more about their respective field
Please note: over the last few semesters, there have been more internship postings than actual interns. Therefore, the more experiential internships will likely receive more applications!
If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of this further, contact the Associate Director of Employer Engagement at: or by calling 615.460.6947
Thank you for your interest in working with our students!
Annual Recruiting Events
E-mail for more information on any of these events.
Contact Us
Jack C. Massey College of Business
1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212
Phone: (615) 460-6175
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