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1st - 3rd Grade Elementary School Contest

Dollar GeneralIn 2010, Belmont began partnering with Metro Nashville Public Schools to sponsor a poetry contest in conjunction with Belmont's Annual Family Literacy Day. First through fourth grade students are invited to submit original poems based on the current year's theme.

The theme for this year's 15th Annual Elementary School Poetry Contest is "Favorite Place", and 1st - 3rd grade from Metro Nashville Elementary Schools submitted poems about their favorite place from a story in literature.

Belmont Volunteers for Literacy

Five finalists were selected by the Belmont English Club, and the poets worked with local professional songwriters, Sherrie Austin, Zoe Cummins, Will Rambeaux and Olivia Rudeen to set their poems to music. The winners will share the following prize money ($500 - 1st, $300 - 2nd, $200 - 3rd, $100 each for 4th and 5th) which will be split evenly between the poet and their classroom teacher to benefit their class. 

This year's songs are listed below in alphabetical order.  Enjoy!

  1. AFRICAN MOON -- see lyrics // see original poem  
  2. DIGGIN HOLES -- see lyrics // see original poem 
  3. EMMANUEL -- see lyrics // see original poem 
  4. POETRY IN THE PARK -- see lyrics // see original poem
  5. STORM -- see lyrics // see original poem