What is service-learning?
Service-learning at its heart is a form of mutually-beneficial experiential learning.
Service-learning is an educational experience that meets community needs and achieves disciplinary course goals. It is characterized by intentional reflection that enables students to link course content with the service activity.
Class Design Resources
Thinking of teaching a service-learning class? Look no further! We've created a checklist for you to help you navigate your service-learning semester.
Requirements for a "S" (or Service-Learning) designation for your course on Classfinder can be found here.
Campus Compact provides a comprehensive list of service-leaning syllabi sorted by discipline
Portland Community College has a pretty good list of syllabi, sorted by course number
Skidmore College has a great list of service learning by discipline
Other Syllabi Resources:
Designing Service-Learning Course Syllabus from The Center for Service-Learning & Civic Engagement at Tennessee State University
Place Based Service-Learning as a Teaching Strategy from Community Works Institute
Creighton University provides a series on curriculum development for service-learning courses.
- English and Education majors tutoring students at local schools where they gain valuable teaching experience.
- First Year Seminar students focusing on food insecurity through partnerships with The Nashville Food Project, Second Harvest Food Bank, and other local agencies
- Financial Literacy Math students working with low-income families to create budgets and make financial plans.
- Nursing students putting on a health fair for immigrants and refugees in partnership with Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement
- Environmental Science students working with Cumberland River Compact and TN Watershed Association on stream clean-ups and canoe/kayak access.
- Community Nutrition students producing virtual cooking demonstrations during COVID-19 for clients of The Store (Belmont’s collaboration with alumnus Brad Paisley to provide groceries to those in need)
Belmont already has M.O.U.s on file with a number of agencies. Please consult the Get Connected Agency List and "SEARCH BY" by "Partner".
- If the agency you are working with is already a Partner Agency, please contact the Office of Service-Learning for a copy of the M.O.U. You only need to complete a Course Agreement Form with the agency.
Download Course Agreement Form
- If you are working with an agency without an M.O.U. on file, you will need to use one of the following M.O.U.s depending on how your service sites are selected.
- Photo Release Form
- Sample Service-Learning Release Form
Contact Tim Stewart for information on customizing this form for your class
- Service-Learning Code of Conduct
- Volunteer Code of Conduct - for those working with children
Campus Compact: Critical Service-Learning Reflection Tool
St. Norbert College: Reflection Activities
University of Iowa: Reflection Activities
University of Nebraska at Omaha: Reflection Activities
A Practitioner's Guide to Reflection in Service-Learning by Janet Eyler, Dwight Giles and Angela Schmiede (requires creation of a free account on Internet Archive to access)
- Community Partner Survey (coming soon)
- Example Student Survey
Below is a list of some other institutions and their service-learning and/or community engagement initiatives:
- Appalachian State University
- Arizona State University
- Elon University
- Gonzaga University
- Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
- James Madison University
- Lipscomb University
- Mercer University
- Middle Tennessee State University
- Purdue Fort Wayne
- Rockhurst University
- Roger Williams University
- Rollins College
- Stetson University
- Tennessee State University
- UC Berkley
- University of Kansas
- The University of Vermont
- University of Whitworth
- Vanderbilt University
- Washington University in St. Louis
Funding for Belmont Faculty
Belmont's Office of Service-Learning offers Project Support Grants of no more than $400 to support Belmont faculty engaged in service-learning projects.
Applications are now open through 4:00 p.m. October 16, 2024, for 2024-2025 grants.
Click Here for Application
Belmont's Office of Service-Learning offers Travel Grants of no more than $400 to support Belmont faculty participating in service-learning conferences & workshops.
Applications are now open through 4:00 p.m.. October 16, 2024, for 2024-2025 grants.
Click Here for Application