Art teacher participating in the teacher program

Teacher Workshop Series

Watkins College of Art

Your creative career doesn't stop with a degree. 

As a K-12 educator, you understand better than anyone the benefits of arts education:

  • Innovative thinking
  • Technological savvy
  • Curiosity
  • Empathy
  • Self-starting discipline
  • Ability to manifest a creative vision

But when was the last time you immersed yourself in the arts for the sake of your own artistic and professional development? In the Watkins Teacher Workshop Series you will engage with a cohort of inspired educators eager to do just that.

Work with Watkins professors, professional artists, and fellow educators to develop strategies for incorporating thematic and contemporary ideas, projects, and techniques into your curriculum. Expand your own creative and professional horizons by making art in new and familiar media. Most importantly, revive the passion that led you to a career as an art educator!

Get inspired today!

Program Sponsors:

Tn Arts Logo

Contact Us

Watkins College of Art

1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212

Phone:  (615) 460-6770

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