Teacher Education Facilities

Ayers, or the JAAC (sounds like Jack) as our student like to say, houses the "penthouse" or "crown jewel" top floor devoted to the College of Education and contains a newly renovated educational suite and multiple learning spaces that overlook the campus from various angles.
Located within the "penthouse" is the College of Education's very own mock classroom designed to accommodate Elementary through Secondary classroom environments and provide COE students with the opportunity to practice and apply their knowledge while learning curriculum and instruction in the same space.
When they are not in a classroom on Belmont's campus, students are studying and observing in some of our local schools. Coined as course-embedded field experience, Belmont's College of Education partners with Nashville community schools where they spend their classtime on school grounds and push into teacher classrooms within the same building to observe and gain hands on expereinces. Course-embedded field experiences start from the first education class within the first semester of the Freshman year.