Student walking to class in rain while holding her pink umbrella

Weather Threats


In the event of severe weather, this page provides essential information to help you stay safe and informed.

Severe Weather Events

Tornado Watch

A tornado watch is issued by the National Weather Service when tornadoes are possible in the area.

Tornado Warning

A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar, in the area.

NOTE: Monitor local TV stations, radio stations, NOAA weather radio, weather-related websites, etc., for severe weather updates.

In the event of a tornado warning:

  • The Belmont Alert system will issue a "Seek Shelter" text message when a Tornado Warning has been issued for Davidson County AND when the main University campus appears to be in the path, or polygon, of projected impact.
  • Move immediately to a pre-designated shelter area such as a Storm Shelter, safe room, basement, storm cellar or the lowest building level. If there is no basement, go to the center of an interior room on the lowest level (closet or interior hallway) away from corners, windows, doors and outside walls. Put as many walls between you and the outside. If available, get under a sturdy table or piece of furniture and always protect your head and neck with your arms. Remain there until the all clear is given by local radio stations, Campus Security, police or other official sources of information. 
  • Do not pull the fire alarm to alert others of a tornado warning. Pulling a fire alarm could signal others to exit the building into the path of the severe weather.
  • If you are outside when a tornado warning is issued and/or the sirens are sounding, take cover in a pre-designated shelter (look for the Storm Shelter Signs)or the lowest level of a building. If those are not accessible, lie in a ditch or depression away from trees and power lines and cover your head with your hands. 
  • If in a car with no nearby shelter, buckle your seatbelt and stay low.
  • If you have a disability and need help getting to a lower level for safety in a Belmont building, proceed to an area of rescue and activate the system. If you are unable to make it to an area of rescue, call Campus Security at ext 6911 or 615.460.6911 for assistance. 
  • Our office recommends that all persons have a NOAA All-Hazard Weather Radio. By having a weather radio, you will get all watch and warning information directly from the National Weather Service. It’s like having a personal siren. 
  • All building occupants are to remain in the safety location until the Tornado Warning has expired or until notified that the danger has passed.

Tornado Safety Locations are designated by blue and white “Storm Shelter” signs located in most buildings. If the sign is on a wall, the safety location is the area around the sign. If the sign is on or adjacent to a door, the safety location is in the space on the other side of the door. See the Storm Shelter Locations on campus below.

If you cannot get to a designated Storm Shelter area, look for an area with the following:

  • No windows
  • On the lowest possible floor of a building
  • No exterior walls

Severe Thunderstorms and Lightning

Lightning kills more people on average each year than hurricanes and tornados combined. Lightning can strike up to 10 miles away from a rain area.

The 30/30 Lightning Safety Rule:

During thunderstorms no place outside is safe but you can minimize your risk by assessing the lightning threat and taking appropriate actions. Count the number of seconds from when you see the lightning flash until you hear the thunder. If you count 30 seconds or less you are in immediate danger. Even if you can’t see the lightning, just hearing the thunder means lightning is likely within striking range.

If you are caught outdoors in a severe thunderstorm or when lightning threatens:

  1. Immediately seek shelter in the nearest building.
    1. DO NOT seek shelter under trees during thunderstorms.
    2. DO NOT seek shelter in unprotected open structures such as picnic pavilions, rain shelters or bus stops.
    3. If a building is not available, a metal-topped vehicle with the windows up is the next best option.
  2. Avoid contact with metal fences, metal bleachers or metallic structures.
  3. Avoid using hardwired corded telephones or any electrical appliances. Cell phones are a safe alternative.
  4. Avoid plumbing – do not take a bath, shower, or wash your hands during a thunderstorm.
  5. Wait 30 minutes or more after hearing the last thunderclap or rumble before leaving the safe location.

If Caught Outdoors and No Shelter Is Nearby:

  1. Find a low spot away from trees, fences, and poles that is not subject to flooding.
  2. If you feel your skin tingle or your hair stand on end, squat low to the ground on the balls of your feet. Place your hands over your ears and your head between your knees. Make yourself the smallest target possible and minimize your contact with the ground. DO NOT lie down. If you are swimming, get out of the water immediately.

REMEMBER: If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning.

Once you have taken shelter indoors, you should monitor a weather radio, a commercial radio/television station, internet or other weather service provider. Even when a specific storm cell has passed beyond the area, conditions may still be right for high winds, lightning, and other hazardous weather conditions.

Belmont University implements the following procedures for announcing operational changes during periods of inclement winter weather:

  • By policy, the University makes one of the following announcements:  Classes are operating on a regular schedule; Classes to be fully online; Classes will be delayed until a specific time; or Classes will be moved online starting at a specific time.
  • An all-campus email is the primary means to distribute such announcements. A notice is also added to the top bar of if a schedule or modality change is necessary.
  • Announcements will also be posted to Twitter and Facebook
  • Belmont Newsline: 615.460.5000
  • In Nashville, inclement winter weather often develops overnight. In such cases and depending on conditions, attempts are made to post announcements by 5:30 am for the start of the class day. If inclement weather develops during the morning rush hour or daytime on a school/work day, the same notification procedures listed above are followed.
  • When weather conditions are such that closings occur two or more days in succession, the procedure is followed each day, with an announcement being made each day by 5:30 a.m. In that conditions can change unexpectedly overnight, an evening announcement usually will not be made for the next day except in the most extreme weather circumstances.
  • On days when Belmont offices are generally scheduled to be closed (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays), the University does not usually make blanket closing announcements. Departments and units that have normal operations on weekends and holidays, or units planning to host or present special programs on those days, should make their prior arrangements with employees and participants, notifying them how to proceed in case of inclement weather.
  • When Belmont officially is closed, it is closed for everyone: faculty, staff, and students. Departments will designate in advance those expected to report to work during a weather emergency.
  • Announcements for weather closings at Belmont East and West Campuses are handled by those campus administrators separately from the main campus announcements.
  • Belmont’s Williamson County Campus follows the same weather closings as the main campus.

Storm Shelter Locations

Academic & Administration Buildings Location
Barbara Massey Rogers Center First Floor- Men and Women's Bathroom; Room 110 on First Floor; Ground Floor Studio Hallway in MBC
Baskin Law Center Outside North Stairwell door of P2, P4, & P5
Beaman Student Life Center First Floor- Men and Women's Bathroom
Belmont Mansion Ground Floor Studio Hallway in BMRC
Bunch Library Northwest Corner of Basement Floor and South Stairwell Basement- Men & Women's Bathroom
Crockett Center Level P6
Curb Event Center Hallways Outside CEC's Staff Offices, Locker Rooms, and Weight Rooms
Curb Event Center Garage Levels P1 & P2
Facilities Management Services First Floor Bathrooms, Rooms 122 & 124
Fidelity Hall Central Stairwell & First Floor Bathrooms
Fisher Performing Arts Center Back of House Hallway
Foutch Alumni House First Floor Bathroom
Freeman Hall  First Floor Hallway Kitchen Door
Frist College of Medicine Levels P2 & P3, P4
Gabhart Student Center First Floor Security Hallway (including bathrooms)
Hitch Science Building Basement- Men & Women's Bathroom; First Floor Hallway
Inman Center Outside Elevator Lobby of P2-P4
Jack Massey Business Center Outside Elevator Lobby of P1-P6
Janet Ayers Academic Center Outside North and South Elevator Lobbies of P1-P4; Stair 4 Door of P2-P4
Johnson Center Outside Elevator Lobby of P1-P6; Stair 1 Levels P1-P6
Leu Center for Visual Arts Basement Level Hallway & Stairwell
Massey Performing Arts Center Basement Rooms 12, 15, & 17
McAfee Concert Hall First Floor - Men and Women's Bathroom; Alcove and Rear Hallway
McWhorter Hall Outside Elevator Lobby of P2-P4
Sports Science Center First Floor Men and Women's Bathroom
Trout/Blackbox Theatre Complex First Floor- Men and Women's Bathroom & Back Hallway
Wilson Music Building Ground Floor Hallway


Residence Halls Location
Bear House Basement Hall
Belmont Commons  Residents Will Seek Shelter in the closet or bathroom of their apartment
Caldwell Hall First Floor Hallway
Dickens Hall P2 and P3 of Parking Garage
Hail Hall First Floor Hallway
Heron Hall First Floor Hallway
Hillside Apartments Residents Will Seek Shelter in the closet or bathroom of their apartment
Horrell Hall P2 and P3 of Parking Garage
Kennedy Hall First Floor Hallway
Maddox Hall First Floor Hallway
Patton Hall Basement Hall
Pembroke Hall First Floor Hallway & Basement Level Laundry Rooms
Potter Hall  First Floor Hallway
Russell Hall Level 2 Hallway- Outside Classroom A &B
Tall Hall Lower Level Hallway
Thrailkill Hall  First Floor Hallway
Wright Hall First Floor Hallway

Inclement Weather Schedules for Campus Services & Offices

In the event an inclement weather event forces Belmont classes to go online, various services and offices may operate on reduced hours and/or services. Please consult the chart below for additional details.

Departments/Locations/Functions Classes Moved Online All Day Classes Moved Online PM Only Classes Moved Online AM only (Delayed Start)
Class Online Online Online
Well Core & Academic Events (Including Recitals) Online or Cancelled Online or Cancelled Online or Cancelled
Harrington Place Open - Normal Hours Open - Normal Hours Open - Normal Hours

All Other Dining Options

Closed Closed Two Hours After Classes Moved Online Closed Until Classes Resume in Person
Library/Bunch Online Online Online
Academic Buildings Closed Except Johnson (Dining) Closed Two Hours After Classes Moved Online Closed
Beaman Student Life/Fit Rec Open 8 am-5 pm Closed at 5 pm Open by 8 am
Mail Services/UPS Closed or Hours Varied Based on USPS Delivery Closed Two Hours After Classes Moved Online Open - Normal Hours
Health Services On-Call/ Timely Care On-Call/ Timely Care On-Call/ Timely Care
Pharmacy Limited Hours Limited Hours Limited Hours
Counseling Services On-Call/ Timely Care On-Call/ Timely Care On-Call/ Timely Care
Admissions Online & Live Chat
Attempt to reschedule tours or provide minimal staffing
Online & Live Chat
Attempt to reschedule tours or provide minimal staffing
Online & Live Chat
Attempt to reschedule tours or provide minimal staffing
Athletics - Practices* Practices Canceled Practices Canceled Practices Canceled Until Classes Resume In Person
Hitch/Practice Rooms Closed Closed Closed
IT Help Desk On-Call: 7 am- 7:30 pm On-Call Until 7:30 pm On Call from 7 am Until Classes Resume in Person, then Normal Hours
The Belmont Store Closed Closed When Classes Are Online Closed Until Classes Resume In-Person
University Events: Admissions, Athletic Competitions, All Performing Arts Venues TBD by Provost in Consultation with Senior Leaders Responsible for Event & Event Venue TBD by Provost in Consultation with Senior Leaders Responsible for Event & Event Venue TBD by Provost in Consultation with Senior Leaders Responsible for Event & Event Venue
Campus Security Open Open Open
Facilities Open Open Open
Residence Life Open Open Open

*Determine how to handle extenuating circumstances/use of Crockett weight room see “Practice Protocol on Inclement Weather Days”

Call For Help

If you or someone you know is experiencing an emergency, contact campus security immediately.

You can call 615.460.6911 or dial 6911 from any campus phone.

Call Campus Security