Jack C. Massey College of Business 1972 50 Years Logo, Belmont University Logo with Bell Tower, Growth, Connection, & Innovation for Leaders

Brief History of Executive Learning Networks (ELN)

2025 begins our 35th Anniversary, honoring a program that enriches the learning and network of Middle Tennessee executives.

In 1990, a group known as the “Peer Learning Network,” was created through a partnership between Clayton McWhorter, then Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of HealthTrust, Inc., and Belmont University. Through HealthTrust, Mr. McWhorter responded with a grant to initiate the Peer Learning Network. This program encourages learning among leaders in Nashville’s business community through shared experiences and resources.

Based on the successful experience with the Peer Learning Network, a second network was created in 2003, the Peer Exchange Network. The Network’s membership was comprised of a synergetic blend of highly successful national, regional, businesses and public/community organizations.

Some of our favorite speakers over the 33 year history include the following:

  • Steven Covey (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
  • Joel Barker (Paradigms: The Business of Discovering the Future)
  • Patrick Lencioni (Five Dysfunctions of a Team)
  • Harold Kushner (When Bad Things Happen to Good People)
  • Rick Pitino, then coach of the Boston Celtics
  • Former Vice President Al Gore
  • Herb Kelleher, CEO of Southwest Airlines
  • Ram Charan, internationally known business advisor and author
  • Jack Welch, then Chairman and CEO of General Electric
  • Judy Woodruff, NewsHour
  • Daniel Pink (A Whole New Mind)
  • Noel Tichy (The Cycle of Leadership)
  • Malcolm Gladwell (David and Goliath)
  • Steve Cadigan, Vice President of Talent at LinkedIn
  • Fareed Zikaria
  • Jenn Lim (Beyond Happiness: Creating Cultures of Belonging)

From the original eight members to over forty corporate memberships today, Executive Learning Networks, is a thriving community of over 300 business executives with the purpose of bringing together senior leaders of Nashville’s best-run companies in a setting where they can learn from each other.

Executive Learning Networks within the Jack C. Massey College of Business at Belmont University is designated as the ‘coming together’ place where leaders of companies doing business in a variety of fields can share problems and solutions (best practices) with their peers and learn from world class speakers, creating a strong network within Nashville’s business community.

What are the unique VALUE PROPOSITIONS of ELN?

· Developing meaningful relationships that assist in building a network in the community.

· Executive learning series prompting innovative, actionable steps to bring back to your organization.

· Exclusive speaker access: Sparking a connection with an author, expert in their field or local/national personality.

· Conduit for business and non-profit connections.

· Flexible network that offers both in-person and virtual formats, allowing companies who work more remotely or have employee groups across the US and abroad to actively participate.

· Have it your way: 12 organization members per session split between in-person and virtual formats that fit the needs of your associates.

Executive Learning Networks Membership Offerings

“Zoom is easy, in person is special...”

When you want to make that personal connection with the speaker, broaden your network and connect with new ELN members, attending in person is a unique experience. When you need to stay at the office, or have pressing engagement to get to, Zooming is easy!

To provide convenient, high-quality events and content to the membership in this fluid, always changing “new normal,” we offer both in person and virtual sessions —most speaker events will offer both options, while some will be virtual only.

We offer exclusive and unlimited access to the Soundview library, an online executive learning database with over 2,200 assets including executive book summaries, webinars, podcasts and skill-based newsletters. Individuals from our ELN member organizations can download the Soundview app to their device to have access to the catalog at any time. Additionally, ELN hosts virtual small group discussions built around topical themes, correlating with resources available in the Soundview library.

Videos from each speaker event are made available on the ELN Library YouTube Resource, continuously adding to our extensive video library from the past 12 years.

The 2023 ELN speaker series consists of nationally recognized speakers presenting cutting-edge business ideas, smaller coffee connects, virtual and in-person group discussions and workshop-style sessions to dig deeper into learning.

Log in to Soundview Book Summaries.