College-level Faculty Support

Deans, College Admins, Faculty Super Users

In This Section

Deans and Associate Deans provide a communication hub between the provost's office, Dean's office personnel, and the faculty of the college as well as many other offices on campus. Associate Deans can request to have the same permissions and access in HelioCampus as College Admins. Associate Deans are also asked for feedback on processes related to faculty.


Reviewers can be program coordinators or directors, department chairs, associate deans or deans. They can access faculty records directly through HelioCampus or through a Workflow Feature in HelioCampus that routes faculty Narratives/Activities through a reviewer's action items. 

Reviewing Faculty Using the Data Collection Manager


Reviewing Faculty Using a College Workflow



College Admins have the ability in HelioCampus to view faculty accounts, to change the dates of data collections and to review the status of college level processes.


Faculty Super Users are faculty who are not only aware of the software and the college processes in place but also of the challenging pieces of the process for faculty in their college. They provide an extra layer of faculty support within their area.


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