Office of the Provost Awards

List of Provost Awards

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Our faculty and students are a bright and gifted group that Belmont is proud to have as members of our community. There are several annual awards available to faculty and students that encourage active engagement in scholarship, teaching and learning. 

Every Spring, we gather to celebrate and acknowledge the academic achievements of the year during the Scholarship and Awards Convocation.  The awards listed below are presented during the ceremony. 

Faculty Awards 

Chaney Distinguished Professor Award: Voted on by full-time faculty, students and the following administrators: president, provost and deans of the college/schools, the Chaney Award is determined on the basis of superior teaching.

Christian Scholarship Award: This award is presented annually to a full-time Belmont University faculty member who has produced scholarly work that makes a contribution to the Christian scholarly conversation in their discipline. The scholarly work may be in the form of a referred article, book chapter, book or creative work in the field of visual or performing arts.

Leadership in Christian Service Award: This award is presented annually to a full-time Belmont University faculty member who has helped lead a Christian service organization, in particular one that connects the resources of Belmont University to the needs of the world. 

Presidential Faculty Achievement Award: The Presidential Achievement Award is presented annually to the faculty member chosen as the outstanding example of service to students in and out of the classroom and is presented at the spring commencement ceremony. The award should honor and recognize excellence in faculty-student relationships, display special abilities in meeting student needs - academic, personal and professional - and will symbolize Belmont University‘s commitment to be a student-centered institution.

Scholarship Award: To encourage participation in scholarship as a way to enhance the educational experience for both faculty and students, the Scholarship Award is presented annually to a faculty member chosen for his/her outstanding intellectual and/or creative contributions as they apply to the areas of discovery, integration, application, or teaching.

Student Awards

University Writing Awards:

The Williams-Murray First Year Writing Awards

The Alfred Leland Crabb Awards: Entries are written works prepared by students in response to class assignments in any field and submitted by the students‘ instructors for consideration. Final decisions are made by the President and Provost.

The Stacy Awalt Writing Awards: Any currently enrolled student at Belmont University may submit to the Department of Philosophy a paper which explores a perennial question or contemporary issue from a philosophical point of view. Papers will be accepted in two categories: Research and Original/Creative. The research papers should follow the Chicago manual of style and be no more than 4,000 words in length. Submissions in the original/creative category need not have extensive documentation and may be original arguments, narratives, or even compositions written for examinations.

The Annette Sisson First Year Seminar Writing Award

University Awards 

The Lumos Travel Award: The Lumos Travel Award enables students to “travel with a purpose.”   Recipients of the Lumos Award will participate in an International project of at least four weeks in duration which engages them directly with an international community.  These 'working adventures' will give recipients an education outside of the classroom as they experience different cultures, philosophies and values.  Ultimately the experience will provide a defining journey of self discovery as each recipient will learn a great deal about their own resourcefulness, resiliency, tenacity and independence.

The Dr. Fannie Hewlett Awards

University Service Award 

The John Williams Heart of Belmont Award: The John Williams Heart of Belmont Award recognizes a third year or fourth year student who meets the following criteria; intrinsic commitment to voluntary service, initiative and innovation in problem solving, persistence in overcoming obstacles, advocacy for change that enhances the lives of those in the community, mature understanding of community needs and systemic problems, sensitivity in developing a partnering relationship with the community, habits of reflection that derive from service and lead to service. 

University Hale Leadership Awards 

The First Year Award: Recognizes an outstanding first-year student who has made early investments in and contributions to the Belmont community. The recipient’s emerging leadership, service, perseverance, scholarship, and faith show promise of maturing and of supporting even greater contributions in the future. 

The Second Year Award: Recognizes an outstanding second year student who is deepening his or her commitment to values of leadership, service, scholarship, and faith and is recognizing the complementary relationships between these values. Further, this student is beginning to interpret those values into a range of actions and relationships which benefit his or her own development as well as the development of Belmont and the larger community.

The Third Year Award: Recognizes an outstanding third year student who has made a significant investment in campus and/or community life. He or she has distinguished himself or herself not only as an able scholar, but also as a potent influence in shaping Belmont’s culture and campus life and serving the larger community. Through a range of activities and relationships, he or she demonstrates the abilities to lead responsibly, serve sensitively, collaborate respectfully, work tenaciously, engage ideas critically, and grow spiritually. 

The Fourth Year Award: Recognizes an outstanding graduating student who has distinguished himself or herself during his or her academic career through exemplary scholarship, effective leadership, and reflective services, and appears poised to engage and transform his or her world in the future. Through a range of activities and relationships he or she has led responsibly, served sensitively, collaborated respectfully, worked tenaciously, engaged ideas critically, and matured spiritually. This person has been shaped by and also has shaped Belmont’s opportunities for service, leadership, scholarship, and faith development; has critically examined those values; and has come to integrate those values in a meaningful way into his/her life and goals for the future. 

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