The main lawn at Belmont University on a sunny day

Building Coordinators

Office of Risk Management & Compliance

Building Coordinators Program

Group of red backpacks sitting together on the floorBuilding coordinators and alternates serve as important liaisons between the occupants of their building and various campus service and support units, including the Offices of Risk ManagementCampus Security and Facilities Management Services. Building coordinators and alternates are appointed by deans, directors, or department heads, and are usually available in the building during regular working hours.

During major emergencies and disasters, it is very difficult to communicate with every building on campus.  The Office of Risk Management & Compliance developed the Building Coordinator program to help streamline this process and provide a point of contact for each building. 


Building Coordinators Responsibilities

  1. Building Coordinators smiling together outside on a sunny dayWork directly with Campus Security and Risk Management in matters of safety and security for their building.
  2. Attend training sessions, conducted by Risk Management, which include information on facility and project services; an overview of campus and environmental safety services and their role; and other training and information as deemed appropriate.
  3. Maintain Building Coordinator Emergency Bag.
  4. Maintain up-to-date lists of building occupants for each Building Coordinator’s area of coverage and a listing of individuals requiring evacuation assistance.
  5. In the event of a fire or other emergency, relay applicable information to emergency personnel, building occupants and the Emergency Management Team, including a headcount record of all personnel reporting to the assembly area for personnel/student accountability.
  6. Assist with the prevention of reentry into the building until the all-clear has been given.
  7. Be familiar with all exits out of the building. 
  8. Educate new employees on basic evacuation procedures.
  9. Train an alternate coordinator to assume duties when the primary coordinator is on leave, absent or not available.