Student scraping a petri dish during a lab

Summer Research

Belmont University Scholar Development

Summer Research

In addition to Belmont’s research opportunities, many other programs around the country have opportunities for undergraduate students. The list below is certainly not exhaustive; however, it might be a good start for exploring. Most programs look for candidates with strong GPAs and with strong descriptions of their goals; however, others might look for more specific qualities in candidates, such as individuals with previous experience or students with disadvantaged backgrounds. Find out more tips about summer programs, especially focused on research on Dr. Becky Adams’ Epitranscript Blog Post.

Please note that many summer programs like to recruit participants from all over the country. For that reason, you might be a more attractive candidate to a program further away. Of course if you would like to stay local for the summer, apply to programs close by and see what happens, but don’t limit yourself to local opportunities.

  • Summer Undergraduate Research Programs
    • Summer research programs are available at almost any research institution. While these all generally provide housing, a stipend, independent research project, and professional development program, there is not a central resource for these programs. Below is a listing of program lists, but if you have a particular institution you are interested in pursuing, you can also google that institution and “summer research program” to see what pops up.
    • AAMC program list
    • NSF REU program list
      • REUs are broadly available in all STEM disciplines (biology, chemistry, physics, engineering etc) and often do not include biomedical research opportunities. Explore further before applying to make sure the program is right for you.
    • NIH IRTA Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research
      • This program is housed at the NIH in Bethesda Maryland. It is a great way to better understand our major funding agency and see the relationship between healthcare and research. If applying, reach out to faculty of interest specifically to show your initiative.
  • SHPEP: Summer Health Professions Education Program
    • The Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is a free summer enrichment program focused on improving access to information and resources for college students interested in the health professions. With 12 host universities across the country, you can find one close to home. Applications are open Nov 1-early Feb. SHPEP also has a virtual webinar series, freely available to anyone.
  • Summer Career Internships
    • You can simply google to identify companies that offer summer clinical internships.

Please email Beth Bowman with any materials that you would like to submit so she can provide some feedback and edits!

Written by Becky Adams

First thing first: it is great that you’re thinking about applying to a summer research program! This kind of extracurricular experience is so important to have on your transcript when applying to graduate school (or many other kinds of post-secondary education programs, like medical school). Not only does it demonstrate your interest in getting hands-on experience in generating new knowledge about biology, but the experience itself will hugely shape your understanding of biology and how biology is studied. It is also a fantastic way to get outside of your comfort zone, learn from a new group of experts, and potentially travel somewhere else in the country!

So with that, let me first encourage you to apply broadly! When I was a student at Belmont, I really wanted to stay in Nashville, and close to my comfort zone, so I pursued opportunities at Vanderbilt. Don’t get me wrong, Vanderbilt had an absolutely fantastic training environment and top-notch research, but I realize now that I missed out on the experience of living somewhere else for a short while while an undergrad–an opportunity that is paid for! Personally, I had a job, an apartment, and a boyfriend, so I didn’t think traveling was even an option. But summer programs are only ~2 months, and I realize now that it was actually the easiest time in life to be able to travel. I also missed out on the chance to meet other students with my interests from across the country–colleagues who I could have stayed in touch with throughout my career. Plus, programs are looking for a diverse student body, so you might even be a more competitive applicant for a program in another state (certainly being in-state does not advantage your application). So I want to encourage you to think more broadly than past-Becky did. Absolutely, apply for programs that are close to home–Vanderbilt, UT-K, St. Jude–but also put in an application elsewhere, and make a final decision once you hear back from these programs.

Another reason that applying broadly is important is for when you’re applying for graduate school. To be the most competitive applicant to graduate programs, you’ll want to demonstrate your resilience and ability to transition to areas outside of your comfort zone. Doing a summer program in another city/state is a perfect way to do that. It also shows your dedication to training: that you look broadly for opportunities to broaden your experiences and expand your skills. Graduate programs also want to accept students with diverse backgrounds and experiences. You might think, for example, that to get into grad school at Vanderbilt, it is best to work at Vandy first. That isn’t necessarily true. Getting into grad school isn’t about who you know in a program–it is about what experiences you’ve gained that make you a stronger potential student. And finally, regarding your application to graduate school, getting well-rounded experience will impact how you write your personal statement–one of the essays included in your application. Commenting on your summer research experience is one of the most important aspects of this essay, and having a broad experience will make it that much stronger!

Now that I’ve emphasized how important it is to apply across the country, I also want to tell you that another important reason to apply broadly is that getting into a summer program is incredibly competitive. Although there are a seemingly endless number of programs, more and more students apply each year. When I was an undergrad, I thought that with my GPA that I would be a shoo-in for getting into an REU program, so I only applied to one program after my sophomore year. However, I didn’t get in, and my options for the summer were limited because I didn’t apply to many programs. So again, don’t make the mistakes of past-Becky: it is better to have several options to choose from than not to get into any program.

You might be thinking: “That sounds like a lot of work for me, and for the people who I’ve asked to write me letters of recommendation.” However, for the most part, the essays of your application can be repurposed in subsequent applications–you usually don’t have to write completely new essays for each application. Of course, you’d want to personalize your application for each program (look up the program and speak to details that you find as best as possible), but you can tweak the essays you’ve already written to do that. You’re investing now for a HUGE opportunity in the long run…its worth the bit of extra time. And the same goes for your letter-writers: we just need to edit a few things to submit a letter for a different program. Personally, I be happy to submit 10 letters of recommendation for a student if it meant they had a higher likelihood of getting into a program!

So, now that I’ve (hopefully) convinced you to apply broadly, how are you going to choose the programs out of the myriad of options? Here’s what I would do: pick some cities/states that sound interesting to you (maybe you have family in Florida, for example), look at the options (see list provided on BUSD website) and search for that city/state that are of interest to you, and look up the programs that you can find in that city/state and determine if the scientific area sounds interesting. That is at least a good place to start. I’d also encourage you to think broadly about what scientific areas you’d be willing to enter. There is so much left to learn while you’re an undergrad (and at any level in your career), and the lab you’ll join understands this (and they are probably excited to teach an undergrad–that is why they signed up to host students!) so use this as an opportunity to explore a field that you might not know a lot about or that might not be immediate of interest.

Best of luck in your applications!

Written by Becky Adams

Hello, and happy summer! So, you’ve got a summer research position, either at Belmont, or elsewhere. Let me give you my advice for making it a great summer!

First off, I sincerely hope you enjoy your research experience.  Like I say in most of my classes, I think that doing research is WAY more fun than labs associated with classes are (I probably shouldn’t say that out loud, but I have to be honest), and I hope you end up feeling the same way, even if you do like labs.  I hope you have a supportive advisor who challenges you but gives you lots of independence.  For most of you, you’ll be doing techniques that are probably totally new to you, and it is totally normal to mess up a few times, so try not to feel too bad when that inevitably happens.  I have a few pieces of advice for you as you begin your work. 

Embrace the steep learning curve

If you’re anything like me, having a new learning experience that is very different from previous experiences might be a bit uncomfortable.  There will be new topics and new skills that you’ll need to pick up a bit more quickly than you’re used to, and most importantly, you’ll need to take ownership over this information.  The learning environment won’t be like a classroom, and there won’t be a textbook or lecture notes for you to follow.  So, you’ll need to be very intentional about taking notes and making sure you understand the material.  I suggest that you take a spiral notebook everywhere with you and take tons of notes.  Make this spiral notebook separate from your lab notebook, as a general source of information that you can keep referring to.  When I first started in the lab, I would even re-copy my notes that evening and add in details that I could remember but that I didn’t write down while in lab.  Your research mentor will expect you to learn information the first time around, so be sure to review your notes every night to help solidify the info.  Also, if your research advisor draws something on a whiteboard, use your cell phone to snap a picture, and re-draw the notes for yourself later that day so that you can ensure that it makes sense for yourself.  If it looks like they will erase the notes, kindly ask to take a picture first so that you don’t lose anything.

There likely be a lot of new terms that you’ve never heard.  Don’t be afraid to ask for more information if you hear something totally new.  If you’re like me, you might be a bit uncomfortable asking so many questions, so be sure to jot down terms to look up on your own, too.  Trust me: Google will be your best friend.  I’d suggest that you try not to just rely on your research mentor to make sense of information.  Figuring out how to find information on your own is a huge part of a research experience, and we are lucky to have so much info available online.  Definitely take advantage of that.

Ask Questions

I might have made it seem like you need to figure things out on your own above.  Yes, the goal is for you to begin to gain independence, but your research mentor will often be able to answer questions that might take you a long time to answer on your own or that you won’t be able to find on your own at all.  Don’t hesitate to ask a ton of questions!  Your advisor knows that a big part of their job is to help clarify information.  However, I do suggest that you learn as much as you can on your own so that your questions are thoughtful. Also, you’ll likely be in a lab environment with many other researchers—other undergraduate students, or maybe graduate students or post-doctoral researchers, too (depending on your environment).  You can ask other people, even your peers, questions, too.  It will be a great way to get to know other people to ask them something you’re unsure of or even to ask about what they are working on!

Don’t shy away from “sounding stupid” in asking lots of questions.  Personally, I was known to ask lots of questions.  I was unsure of myself, so I often started out by saying “This might be a dumb question ….”, but everyone told me to stop thinking my questions were bad.  I’ve since learned how valuable it is to ask questions, not only for my own understanding but for other people, even the person giving the information so that a better understanding could be reached.  Learning how to ask questions so that it is clear is also an important skill, so use this opportunity to practice that skill.

Depending on your environment, you’ll probably also have lab meetings and maybe even departmental seminars.  Be sure to branch out and ask questions at these events too.  Not only will you be able to learn more, you’ll also develop your skills as a question-asker, and your research advisor will notice your curiosity.  Even if you’re in an environment where you might feel like you’re too insignificant to ask a clarifying question, I want to challenge you to be bold and raise your hand with a question—it is likely something someone else was also wondering.

Keep a strong Lab Notebook

Your lab will probably give you some guidelines about how to keep a lab notebook.  I want to supplement that with some of my own advice.  First off: there is no such thing as too much detail.  Remember that the point of the notebook is for you to be able to repeat the experiment exactly.  Imagine that your future self is looking at your notes 10 years from now and needs to tell someone how to do the experiment.  Give enough detail to do that without uncertainty.  Another purpose for taking good notes is that there is always a chance that an experiment might not work.  Honestly, this will probably happen a lot, and if you don’t take notes, you’ll struggle to remember what you did to potentially mess it up.  More notes means that you can help clarify with your research advisor what to update in the future.  For example, if you’re making a solution, I would write down the concentration you’re aiming to make (of course), but also take notes about the mass and volumes you used.  Make sure there is enough information for you or someone else to makes sense of it.  I’ve even had a lab contact me 5 years after I left the lab to interpret my notes.  Luckily, I put enough information to tell them what they needed to know (whew!).  I would also suggest that you ask if you can bring a copy of this notebook back home with you, too (if it is a physical notebook).  That way you have a reference to answer any questions that people might have of you after you leave.

Another thing I would include in the notebook is information about where the reagents you’re using are.  The whole lab will be new to you, and the chemicals and equipment you’re using might be located in different spots in the lab or in totally different rooms.  Your research advisor might show you how to do an experiment once and then expect you to be able to complete the experiment on your own the next time.  Trust me, it is a little embarrassing to ask where a specific chemical is once you’ve been shown.  Even though you should absolutely ask if you need to, try to avoid that embarrassment by taking diligent notes.  As you’re working through an experiment, it is completely ok to tell your research advisor to slow down and give you time to take these notes.

Try to know the “why” and “how”

As you’re doing an experiment, try not to slip into the mindset of simply getting through a protocol and figuring it out later (maybe you’ve done this in lab for a class?).  It is very important for you to know why you are doing a specific experiment and the purpose of each step.  You might not fully grasp the “why” early in your research project, but make sure to ask yourself and/or your research advisor this question before getting started.  Jot this down in your notes, and each piece will start to fit together over time.

It is also super important to know how the experiment works before you do it.  I suggest that before you leave the lab for the day, make sure you know what you’ll be doing in lab the next day, and spend the evening Googling that experiment so that you know how it works before you begin.  Take notes in your spiral notebook and review the notes before going to lab the next day.  Doing this will help keep you from being totally overwhelmed as you’re doing a new experiment, and it will also help prevent mistakes and keep you from having to repeat the experiment again.  There is so much new information as you begin to work in a lab, so do your future self a favor and prepare as best as possible in advance.

If you are doing a project that involves more data analysis, make sure you have a good understanding of where the data came from, what the goal of the project is, and if your analytical approaches are the right ones.

Read journal articles for understanding

Here’s the doozy: your research advisor will likely give you a small collection of journal articles related to your project.  Oh boy, this can be so scary as a new researcher.  I remember not even understanding half of the words in these articles let alone knowing how they related to my project.  Here is my advice: read these articles slowly and carefully, with a computer nearby for Googling.  Every time you come across a new term, spend at least a little time trying to understand it.  If it were me, I would read through the abstract quickly (probably not really understanding it).  I would then carefully read the introduction, to at least get a passing understanding of the goals of the work.  Then the results section is where you really want to try to fully understand as best as possible: here is where you want to Google and take your time.  Finally, read through the discussion, taking note of important interpretations.  I would then read through the entire paper at least one more time to ensure it makes more sense.  Expect to spend hours (like 5-10 hours) on each paper.  If you have some down time, you can also read the papers cited in the paper.  You should not feel done when you’ve read the papers your advisor originally gave you—take ownership over the information and read the papers that seem most important based on the reading you’ve already done.  You can then ask your advisor for more articles, but before you do that, make sure you understand what they have already given you.  This is probably the most serious advice I can give: it is up to you to push yourself to understand these articles as best as you can; do not be passive in reading these articles.  Google and ask questions.  And get started reading these papers even before you start (maybe even reach out to your advisor to ask for some papers to read a week or two before you start!).  If you put in the effort from the beginning, it gets easier to read these papers with time. I suggest you spend enough time reading early-on so that you have a strong foundation by half-way through your experience.

Other suggestions

You’ll likely have some form of a presentation at the end of the research experience.  I suggest you begin working on this presentation early.  You should have a strong understanding of your work about half-way through the experience, so you should certainly be able to prepare the introduction to your presentation by the half-way point.  Put a reminder in your calendar on this date to begin working on your presentation.  It is very likely that rather than things slowing down toward the end of your experience that you’ll be rushing to finish up the project at the end.  So, you won’t have tons of time to devote to the presentation in the last week or two.  I suggest you aim to have a rough draft completed by two weeks before your presentation, and you can then add in the final data as needed.  Your future self will thank you for the work you’ve put into a presentation early so that you can devote some good time to the bench work at the end.  In my experience, the last week or two is when 90% of the usable data is produced because this is when students are really comfortable with what they are doing.  You’ll want to get as much good data as possible so that your name can go on a publication in the future, so give yourself this time by having your presentation in good shape early.

Get to know your peers.  I’ve been SO surprised by how the people I met as an undergrad have kept popping up throughout my career.  I wish I had fostered these connections more.  Definitely go to social events and work hard to get to know the people in your lab and in your program.  I made the mistake of thinking that I’d only interact with my peers temporarily, so I didn’t really make an effort to reach out for coffee or social events.  Don’t be like me. It is good both personally (for your enjoyment and mental health) and professionally (future contacts/networking) to become friends while you’re with these fellow scientists.

Finally, don’t forget the purpose of this experience.  Yes, it is so that you learn how to do research, and even better, so that you can contribute to scientific understanding (and maybe even be an author on a paper!).  But it is also for your professional development.  You’ll be writing about this experience in personal statements in future applications.  Be sure that you keep enough information so that you can remind yourself about your contributions to the project in the future.  In these future applications, it is important to demonstrate your scientific contributions (not the techniques you used but what you were testing and what you found), so I suggest that after the summer is over, you keep your spiral notebook somewhere safe, and you make sure to save your presentation somewhere that you can easily find it in the future.  Personally, I had an interview for graduate school where the professor was an expert in the field that I had worked in during a previous research experience.  It was a good thing that I reminded myself of my work before the interview so that I could answer his questions.  Remember that the experience isn’t over when the summer ends.

Finally, remember that another purpose of this experience is to get the all-important recommendation letter for future applications.  Of course, the letter shouldn’t be your driving force for working hard, but definitely keep it in mind.  You’ll want to make sure your enthusiasm is clear, that you’re a fast learner and good thinker, that you ask good questions, and that you produce high-quality data.  Even in my time as a professor, I’ve written a lot of letters of recommendation, and I try to make each one personal and draw on what I know about a student.  Especially if you’re in a situation where your professor doesn’t interact with undergrads a lot, you’ll want to do your best to stand out.  And if you’re working with a graduate student, they will certainly be in communication with the professor, too.  So do all of that work to read and prepare so that this can be a fruitful experience for everyone.

Best of luck and let me know if I can answer any questions at all! 

Written by Becky Adams

Every time I’ve been required to write a personal statement, I freak out.  In the past, I thought these essays needed to be mind-blowing narratives to convince people how “awesome” I was and that I “totally understood” science.  This was incredibly intimidating—especially when, if I was honest with myself, I didn’t think I was that remarkable to begin with, and there was so much that I didn’t know yet.  Yes, I made fine grades, but when I thought about the thousands of other students out there fairly similar to me (or in my mind, even smarter or more well-qualified), I wasn’t sure I’d be able to convince the admissions committee that I was worth accepting.

If you have a similar thought process, I’m here to tell you (and past-Becky) not to freak out.  Research programs are competitive, and you should apply broadly to give yourself the best chance to get into one, but what the admissions people are looking for is a true narrative about your interests to determine if your passions match what they are looking for.  They want to know about you: how you developed your interests through your experiences, and what you plan to do in the future based on those interests.  So rather than generating an over-inflated statement, the goal is to write so that the committee can get to know who you are and what your motivating factors are as clearly as possible. In fact, overinflation is bad! Part of your statement should narrate some of your accomplishments, but remember that the personal statement is not just a reiteration of your CV; it should be a narrative about what brought you to this process of applying for the program of interest, why you’re interested in it, and how participation will help you accomplish your goals.

If I were to offer past-Becky some advice, it would be this: sit in a comfy chair with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, grab a pen and paper, and take some time to really think.  When did you develop your interest in science?  What specific experiences in the classroom, in lab, with a teacher, or outside of school have expanded or reinforced this interest?  Remember your past and take some brief notes. You’ll want to make your passion clear, so make a short list of impactful experiences.  Explain what it is about science that is the most interesting to you: maybe you appreciate how science builds on past knowledge, or maybe you have learned how much critical thinking or creativity is required for discovery, or maybe you love problem-solving through an experiment, or perhaps you’ve realized the complexity of life can be studied by exploring one small aspect of it.  How have your experiences shown you this? Make this personal to your own passion.  Really think hard about why you’re pursuing the career path you’re on and write it down.  What do you want from your future professional life based on your current passions?  What experiences have you had, and what experiences do you need to ensure that you’re on the right path?  Do you understand the purpose of the program you’re applying to?  Have you looked up the program or institution to learn more about the details of the program, environment, and the science being studied?  What in your background will demonstrate your ability to seek out and be successful in this kind of opportunity?  Be specific in naming any programs you’ve previously participated in, describe what they are (not everyone will know the acronyms you’re familiar with), and explain their impact on you.  How have they fueled your passion or provided insight into science?  If you’ve done research before, be sure to name specifically your contributions to discovery.  And finally, what kinds of experiences have enhanced your resilience, persistence, initiative, and independence as a learner?

To reiterate, the format of your personal statement should be a narrative about yourself.  With that in mind, you want to demonstrate how thoughtful you are about your goals and the steps you’ve taken to achieve them.  However, don’t write this like a checklist of your personal/professional strengths or experiences; these factors should be implicit (not explicit).  I’ve seen students list off their experiences and write “This experience taught me resilience/independence /etc”.  It is best if you demonstrate mature writing skills by weaving a story that explains your growth and doesn’t read like a checklist.  One more note on this: programs are looking for strong writers, and the maturity of this essay will be taken into account.  It is certainly a good idea to have your peers check your essay for grammar and don’t be shy about sending it to a faculty member for critique, too (giving plenty of time for feedback, of course).

A note about format: there isn’t a standard formula for these essays, but to help, I’ll provide a rough suggestion.  The first paragraph could be about how your scientific interests were piqued, the middle section could describe how you’ve matured as a scientist (detail experiences and what you learned from them), and the final paragraph could describe why you’re applying to the specific program.  Some programs will impose word limits, but in general, brevity is best.  I’d aim for a 1-page single-spaced essay.

Another note for summer research programs: they are looking for students who specifically want to gain research experience, and some may also only consider students who have had experience doing research in the past (especially the highly competitive programs).  It is best to make it abundantly clear why you’re interested in gaining research experience (or more research experience).  A statement that says anything about research being a requirement for graduate / medical school is not a sufficient explanation (and would be bad to say).  Instead, think harder about how this experience will impact your understanding of science and how discoveries are made or how it will inform your career pursuits.  As you would like to attend graduate school in the future, it is certainly important for you to gain research experience at a research-intensive institution.  If you’ve done research in the past, explain clearly what you discovered.  What approaches did you use, what hypothesis were you testing, and what did you discover?  Note that it is NOT appropriate to simply list all of the techniques you’ve performed, whether from lab or from a research experience, instead, explain why you did these experiments.  Committees are looking for students who can describe their discoveries and how they fit into a larger biological question, not just people who can perform a specific technique.  Additionally, describing a lab exercise (from a class) as a discovery is not appropriate.  You should only list a true research experience as such—it is important that you can distinguish lab exercises from research/discovery.

It would also strengthen your personal statement to specify what areas of science are of most interest to you.  What classes did you like best, or what parts of those classes did you want to learn more about?  It would even be helpful to look up the programs you’re applying to and specify whether there are labs that are of interest to you.  You’ll want to demonstrate that you’re not just applying to every program out there: demonstrate that you’ve put effort into choosing the specific program you’re applying for by naming some specific aspects of the program or areas of study that are most exciting to you.

It just takes a short time to sit and think before you start writing to help you describe your own story.  Before writing any sentences, briefly answer the questions in the third paragraph above.  I wish past-Becky knew that her own story was interesting and compelling if she would just take the time to think before writing—maybe that would have made her less nervous, and hopefully, this advice will make you feel more confident in starting your essay. 

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