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Pathway 5: Storytelling that Inspires the World

Strategic Path to 2030

Pathway 5

Amplify storytelling to inspire the world with messages of truth, beauty and goodness.

Pathway 5 is our gateway, connection point and lifeline to the greater Nashville community. Stories set a foundation for culture and identity, bringing people together in new ways that spur inspiration and action. Good storytellers know the importance of a good question. As a Belmont community, we’re asking ourselves: What is our core story? What anchors our work? These are the kinds of discussions we’re engaging right here on campus, spearheaded by Rick Rekedal, Senior Fellow for Storytelling at Belmont. This fall, faculty and staff will have opportunities to dive into these questions, and explore how the answers directly apply to their work. Discovering what stories and values lay at your core is essential to contributing to the larger community’s story with your peers. For more information on Pathway 5 and its impact across our campus community, contact Jennifer Duck at

Pathway Catalyst