Medical school student talking to patient in pharmacy


Student Affairs & Diversity

The Office of Student Activities and Wellness staff aims to improve the awareness of and access to wellness and mental health support resources for the whole Frist College of Medicine's student body as we encourage pursuing one’s passions.

Areas of Coverage

Learning Communities

Are essential for promoting student well-being and formation through strategic wellness initiatives and programs. Each student is placed in one of four “Frist Houses”, where students gain academic support and professional development, while building community with their peers in their medical school journey.

Wellness Check-ins

Students will meet once a semester with the Director of Student Activities and Wellness for wellness check-in concerning their current state of mental/emotional/physical well-being along with other areas that affect academic life.

Student Wellness Committee

Helps design programming to address mental health issues, organize self-care events, and engage in mentoring, education, and health-related research.

Wellness Retreat

The retreat will feature a series of participatory activities to foster well-being involving faculty mentors as speakers who are experts in resilience and self-care. Each wellness retreat has a different theme and will be geared to each medical school class as they matriculate through the curriculum.

Imperfect Rounds

Lunch-time discussion with deans and faculty on overcoming distraction and deterrents, imposter syndrome, and other issues in the medical school journey hosted once per month.

Ecumenical Roundtable

The Frist College of Medicine will sponsor monthly dinner discussions, support groups, and festivities for students from various faiths to discuss where faith meets medicine.

House/Deans Olympics

The houses compete for bragging rights and the Deans trophy in an annual event. Various competitions occur during the weekend event involving dancing, Top Chief competition, basketball, field events, and more. The winning house is presented with the Dean's Trophy at the end.


Contact Us

Thomas F. Frist, Jr. College of Medicine

Office of Student Affairs & Diversity

1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212

Phone: 615.460.5700