O'More College Digi FabLab's

Collaborative Learning

Our Culture

Architecture & Interior Design collaborate to bring parametric design, “Timber Twirl,” to Campus

O'More College Digi FabLab'sAn ambitious project brought together architecture and interior design students to learn parametric design and hands-on skills. In this joint project led by Dr. Fernando Lima (architecture) and Prof. Finis Eliot (interior design), fourth-year students engaged in a hands-on project built on Belmont's campus. The design of the "Timber Twirl Haven" was parametrically developed so that students were able to extract necessary data from a digital model to measure, cut, and assemble 37 frames of varying shapes while comprising 211 slats and more than 600 screws of three different types.

​This design's core concept relies on exploring parametric design to inform the fabrication of complex shapes while facilitating collaborative workflows since the students were divided into groups responsible for fabricating different frames. They had to coordinate the assembly of each part of the Haven and depend on each other's work to accomplish the Haven's construction.

To learn more about this ambitious project, check out the project page on the O'More College Digi FabLab's website.

Timber Twirl Haven

Dr. Fernando T. Lima’s Arch Studio students, in collaboration with Finis’ ITD section work on the assembly of a real-world-sized pavilion made out of wood

Contact Us

O'More College of Architecture & Design

1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212

Phone:  (615) 460-5888