Fashion student measuring a model during a fitting

Community Impact

Our Culture

Continuing the longstanding tradition of service in the fashion program

Fashion professor helping student with design on model during fitting classIn addition to providing an education that prepares graduates to compete successfully in the demanding fashion industry, the fashion program at O'More is dedicated to the transformational power of design.  For the second time, students collaborated with Daybreak Arts, a social enterprise non-profit, founded by a Belmont graduate, that creates artistic and economic opportunities for people experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity by providing them access to the creative resources needed to achieve personal fulfillment and success.  Seventeen second-year students partnered with artists to create collections inspired by their works of art, which will also raise awareness and funds for the organization.

Fashion students have group discussion in class while sitting at tablesAnother opportunity for purposeful work came from partnering with Tennessee Donor Services and Donate Life Tennessee; through their designs, our students will raise awareness for organ and tissue donation.  A staggering statistic is that 20 people die every day waiting for a life-saving transplant.  Organ and tissue donations transform lives, and seven of our third-year design students will honor the donors and celebrate life.  Each student has been paired with a recipient of a donation, donated or has a connection with the gift of life, and custom outfits will be created as a celebration.

Contact Us

O'More College of Architecture & Design

1900 Belmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37212

Phone:  (615) 460-5888